(no subject)

Aug 16, 2004 21:55

I only started my apprenticeship in a bookstore three weeks ago, but I already feel like I could fill novels with the weird requests I've had in this time.. today was a special day, though.

First this elderly came in and compliments my co-worker on his hair-do and asks him, how long it takes him every morning to get his hair to look like that o_O

Than an english speaking lady (I'm working in Switzerland) comes in and gives me a piece of paper she got from the post office, asking me if I could tell her, what she has to do with it, because she can't read German. o_O

And than a 30 something lady walks up to me saying: "You're exactly the person I've been looking for! I need something for a four year old girl and a eight year old boy." (and then she just stood there and smiled, offering no further explanation)

me: "erm... right. a book? an audio book? a dvd? a toy?"

she: "Well, you know... something they can do something with. just a thing."
(oh right, now it's obvious.)

me: "Well, we have the children books sorted by age so if the boy has some favourite theme I could maybe show you some books that would be for his age and might be to his liking..."

she: "Yes, that sounds good, but I'm looking for something they can do in the car."


me: "Right. but not a book? well, maybe an audio book would be good?"

she: "Yeah, that sounds great! do you have your children book sorted by age?"

me: ::headdesk::

she then went and looked through the books for 12 year olds. *sigh*

hello, frustrating customers, children's books

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