Sep 17, 2009 15:13
I think that purging really did help. go figure.
I did the math. If absolutely nothing goes wrong, I'm not tempted by anything and I stay the course, the last credit card will be paid off on 10/23. only just. If not, I've got a $60 leeway in the following week. And if not, the actual balance transfer promotion ends in mid-November and not until then would i accrue interest. And then I will start my more balanced budget, whether I wanna or not. I will be able to save for a myriad of goals, thus making each one just a little longer to get to. I will go back to school and finish my degree. I will contribute to my 401k and bow down before the altars of compound interest ... no false idol there, really, God, i promise. I will be a grown-up ... maybe.