Oct 03, 2011 13:48
The Database
Before the Great Catastrophe, the greatest minds in science decided that the best thing to do was to create a database of information necessary for survival, to help any people who survived after the clearly looming apocalypse. Unfortunately, the result of this grand idea was one large database filled with the entire content of the Internet, from 1994 to 2494. It was uploaded at the last possible minute, so there is no organization whatsoever. The only way to find useable information is to sift through endless journal posts, LOLcats, and fan forums.
I developed this element after thinking about what the Internet would look like to someone from the future, especially a post-Apocalyptic future. The people who are looking through the information find useful things in surprising places, but they spend most of their time hastily closing browser windows and wondering why people in the past thought cats talked. I will probably write a couple of stories focusing on the database, as a kind of pseudo-historical thing.