Oct 30, 2008 00:57
Why do old white people love Pumpkin flavored anything?
Why do old white people assume that they can tell me what to do with my life based on the retirement benefits?
I feel that we finally have the upper-hand on the "who's had it harder in life" game that our parents love to play. So the next time you hear "you don't know anything about hard work, when I was your age I had a child, a wife, and a job I hated." or "when I was a kid I had to walk up hill both ways...in the snow." We can simply say, "you think that's rough, I graduated shortly before the worse recession since the great depression... so eat it and by the way thank you for your vote, mom and dad!"
I work with a girl named meagan who's small-town Texas sheriff threw her out of the house after she was arrested for possession. Her and her boyfriend decided to leave Texas and took the rest of her student loans and drove to Hilton Head. She works as a newspaper carrier from two in the morning to six and then works in the coffee shop for the rest of the day.
I work with another girl named Wanjel, who fell into some dept with credit cards four years ago. She works 16 hours a day five days a week, 8 a day on the weekends and shares a car with her single mom.
Kyle, who's dad committed suicide when he was 18. He lives with his mom and found out his ultra- religious sister is getting married through the newspaper. He's getting through school on a scholarship and still manages to work over twenty hours a week to help his mom out.
I wonder if this is where will end up in history, the work-mules for our parents or maybe I've been serving smug WASP for too long. Either way, something very wrong is happening around me.