Aug 09, 2007 22:41
The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.
The series is about a wizard detective in Chicago (the only name under "Wizard" in the phone book.) It's very well-written and has the mystical believably coexisting with present-day society and going unnoticed (well, enough that those who wish to believe such things can't happen can keep telling themselves that.)
In it, different types of each magical creature exists, and werewolves are no exception. I've seen several series where the rules were different than in others, but the second book, Fool Moon, has pretty much every variety of werewolf except the "werewolf bites you and you turn into a lupine killing machine at the full moon" version. I'd recommend the whole series to anyone whether they like fantasy or not, but for anyone interested in werewolves, Fool Moon is must-read.
(The series also has different sorts of vampires, and each "court" has a somewhat different society. The Red Court are the ones we typically come up against, and are most like vamps-as-usual, but with some differences. The White Court feeds on emotions instead of blood. There are others, but I don't want to give everything away.)