Day 01 - A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!)
Day 02 - A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about
Day 03 - The best book you've read in the last 12 months:
Day 04 - Your favorite book or series ever
Day 05 - A book or series you hate
Day 06 - Favorite book of your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time
Day 07 - Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise
Day 08 - A book everyone should read at least once
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A book that disappointed you
Day 12 - A book or series of books you’ve read more than five times
Day 13 - Favorite childhood book OR current favorite YA book (or both!)
Day 14 - Favorite character in a book (of any sex or gender)
Day 15 - Your "comfort" book
Day 16 - Favorite poem or collection of poetry
Day 17 - Favorite story or collection of stories (short stories, novellas, novelettes, etc.)
Day 18 - Favorite beginning scene in a book
Day 19 - Favorite book cover (bonus points for posting an image!)
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite romantic/sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 22 - Favorite non-sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 23 - Most annoying character ever
Day 24 - Best quote from a novel
Day 25 - Any five books from your "to be read" stack
Day 26 - OMG WTF? OR most irritating/awful/annoying book ending
Day 27 - If a book contains ______, you will always read it (and a book or books that contain it)!
Day 28 - First favorite book or series obsession
Day 29 - Saddest character death OR best/most satisfying character death (or both!)
Day 30 - What book are you reading right now?
Day 10 - A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Oh, jeez. So many. The biggest one would have to be Slave by Mende Nazer. Amazing story about slavery in the 90's from a first person perspective.
I read it for a humanities class and as soon as I heard it was a memoir I thought I was going to despise it. As a general rule, I usually hate non-fic unless I'm really into the subject matter but Mende Nazer's story is so heartbreaking and by the end I felt like it was a personal friend of mine who had lived through the horrors she did.
Day 11 - A book that disappointed you
One that I'm currently still reading.
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I understand why so many people like it, I'm just not into it. I don't hate any of the characters but I don't love any of them either. I'm completely indifferent and there are three main things I have to have to really like a book:
1. It has to be Unputdownable
2. I have to love or hate at least one main character. (Mind you, hate the actual character. Hating how the character is WRITTEN is a different thing.)
3. I have to be satisfied with the ending. The ending can be heartbreaking, happy, whatever... I have to be satisfied with it or it ruins it for me. If it's a series, I want each ending to have me CRAVING the next in the series.
Unless the end of Uglies is OMG AMAZING it's not going to touch any of my List of Demands.