Jan 20, 2010 18:41
Damn...it's still not stopping. This snow's getting to be a real problem. I've seen a few people helping to gather food, that's good, but we also have to worry about the cold and the snow itself. We can't just let it keep piling up or some people are gonna wind up completely cut off from supplies. I want anyone with fire or water powers, or hell, even a good shovel and a lot of stamina that's willing to help get rid of the snow around houses and clear paths to the clinics to reply here. Same with anyone who can brave the snow while we're digging to deliver supplies until then. I'd prefer if we had a lot of people so we can spread the workload out more. I don't want anyone freezing to death or collapsing from exhaustion trying to clear this stuff.
I'd also like to organize shifts for gathering food. We have no idea when this is gonna let up, so it's best to be prepared.
As for everyone else, stay inside if you can. Light a fire or huddle together for warmth. If you have old, torn up clothes that you can't wear, cut 'em up and turn them into blankets. If you can't get water, eat the snow if you have to, or if you can, melt it and boil it for a few seconds before drinking it. Believe it or not, dehydration's just as dangerous in the cold as it is in a heat wave.
I know I'm asking for a lot of people, but we're gonna have to work together to get through this. Blizzards can be nasty and don't care who you are. We can't afford to be picky about who we work with right now, either.
*This part comes up several minutes later.* I'd like to talk to the owners of the clinic about using them as something like a base of operations, too.
not a kid,
this is second nature,
time to be serious,
leader mode is go!,
this is the real me btw,
secretly a genius