Shot 38 (Accidental video)

Dec 23, 2010 02:15

*The PCD comes on from the inside of Jr.'s pocket, at first showing only a bunch of white feathers before he shifts slightly to show a Swan Dragon's neck. From the looks of it, he's sitting on Quetzalcoatl's back, holding onto crude rope reigns.* Alright, so far so good. Giddyup ( Read more... )

really a brat, space cowboy, a bit of a showoff, not a kid, quetzalcoatl, dragons do not make good pets, my life is a western song, bratty urtv is bratty, loves his westerns

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feel_nevermore December 23 2010, 08:37:20 UTC
[Raven is walking the streets of Astringendum in search for a few Christmas presents for her new friends in Astringendum. But she hasn't had much luck in that so far... Suddenly she hears the sound of snow being crushed repeatedly by quick and heavy footsteps. Something is running towards her and she'd better not stay in the way.]


books_n_battle December 23 2010, 08:58:33 UTC
*He notices the person in front of him and jerks back on the reins. The dragon is slow to stop, coming to a halt just before dodging would have been an issue.* Woah, sorry about that.


feel_nevermore December 23 2010, 09:08:11 UTC
[Raven was about to take off to dodge when she saw him jerk back on the reins. So she just raises an arm in front of her face to protect herself from the snow projections due to the dragon's abrupt stop.]

That's alright. [ She brushes the snow off her cloak. Then she eyes him warily.]

I thought dragons only lived in the wastelands. Why did you bring one back into the city?


books_n_battle December 23 2010, 22:30:03 UTC
He was a birthday present. Don't worry, I've got him trained pretty well. *He reaches forward to pat the dragon's neck.*


feel_nevermore December 23 2010, 22:52:35 UTC
[Raven has some bad memories involving a dragon. Nonetheless she can't help being fascinated by them.]

It would seem so, yes. [She slowly raises her hand twoards the dragon neck but without touching him yet.] Can I?


books_n_battle December 24 2010, 02:13:04 UTC
Go ahead. He knows better than to try to bite someone.


feel_nevermore December 24 2010, 09:50:30 UTC
[She had already sensed that the dragon wasn't agressive. She was just awaiting the boy's permission. So she starts stroking the dragon's neck is long and assured movements.] What's his name?


Reminds me, Jr. has some weird stuff that might be important with Raven's empathy. Are you on AIM? books_n_battle December 24 2010, 09:55:35 UTC
*The dragon lowered his head slightly, enjoying the attention.* Quetzalcoatl.


Yep, I am! Want to discuss it now? feel_nevermore December 24 2010, 10:16:39 UTC
[Almost imperceptibly, Raven lifts herself from the ground in order to better reach the top of the dragon's head.] Does that name mean anything?

[It reminds her of an Aztec god's name, but she's not so sure... And maybe it's purely coincidental anyway.]


books_n_battle December 24 2010, 10:19:44 UTC
*If he notices, he's not put off by it.* He's named after a god from ancient mythology. He was a feathered serpent, so I thought it fit.


feel_nevermore December 24 2010, 10:25:42 UTC
Suits him very well. [That could be it.]

Are you from Earth then?


books_n_battle December 24 2010, 10:46:30 UTC
I wish. I just know a lot about ancient history.


feel_nevermore December 24 2010, 11:03:18 UTC
Where are you from then?

[She looks up, meeting the boy's eyes as she's still petting the dragon.]


books_n_battle December 24 2010, 11:09:09 UTC
The Kukai Foundation. It's a satellite near a planet called Second Miltia.


feel_nevermore December 24 2010, 12:01:11 UTC
You mean people from Earth sent your satellite over there? Maybe your parents were Earth-born?

[Raven's focus in on the dragon's feelings right now as she tries to find the best spot to scratch him. She's hovering higher above the ground but it's not conscious. She smiles at the slightest reactions of content from the animal.]

Such a precious present this was. I guess the one who gave it you to you must like you a lot.

[She blinks as if she was suddenly reminded of something.]

Sorry I realize I didn't even ask about your name?


books_n_battle December 24 2010, 21:10:36 UTC
No, people from Miltia helped launch it. Nobody's been to Earth in thousands of years.

*At the mention of the person who gave him Quetzalcoatl, he absently starts scratching the base of the dragon's neck.* Yeah. He has pain in the ass ways of showing it, but he cares a lot.

Oh yeah. It's Gaignun Jr.


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