Title: Á Rebours, translated usually as "Against Nature"
Author: Charles-Marie-Georges Huysmans, a.k.a. Joris-Karl Huysmans
Country of Origin: France
Year of Publication: 1884
SummaryAn insufferable and effeminate whinger, Jean Des Esseintes, sits in his house and thinks (what he considers) Very Deep Thoughts™. That is all. No, really, that's all
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Comments 11
There's some decadent literature I've enjoyed, but the majority of the work of that time hasn't aged so well. I sort of enjoy the numbing level of detail myself.
I like detail when it's illuminating and about interesting things. Unfortunately, I don't consider carpet, flowers, and perfume interesting.
I think this post reflects the success of this LJ community and makes me glad to be in it. Though I do plan to plod through the list at some point, it's kind of a relief to know that I'm not the only person who isn't completely enamored with every "Great Book" ever. The best part is that you stuck it out and were able to actually articulate what bothered you about the book while being absolutely hilarious. I've found that it's sometimes more fun to review books that I find terrible than those I find great, and it's certainly better than those middle-of-the-road, undistinguished types. Brilliant!
Also, as a librarian I must thank you for not destroying your borrowed copy. :-)
I honestly do not think this book should be on the list, and it goes beyond the fact that I disliked it. I really don't think it's any good. So if you skip it when you plod through the list, I won't tell. :)
I think I would have stomped on this book even if it was a library book. I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
I appreciate your healthy sarcasm, though--I'm sure this review is infinitely more enjoyable than the book. (I enjoyed it, anyway--the review, I mean.)
And I think going to the dentist and having a tooth ripped out (like Des Esseintes) would be infinitely more enjoyable than this book.
Making a living reviewing books would pretty much be my dream job.
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