Hey! As promised (and sorry that it is later than I anticipated!!) here is our forum for discussing Stephenie Meyer's sequel to Twilight, New Moon!!
The same kinds of questions are up for grabs from the
Twilight discussion. Since we've met almost all of the characters before, we can open up discussion to changes or continuity that you see in the
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Comments 11
At least in New Moon he was considerate... I hate his character in Eclipse though.
-The questions I kept thinking about was:
Will Edward come back?
-Bella was able to hear Edward's voice because I think that it was just from her consciousness.
New Moon = Jacob
This book is more centered around the relationship between Jacob and Bella. I think that it has changed Bella and it made me angry that she was in love with both Edward and Jacob.
I became annoyed at Jacob at the end of the book! It just made me hate him even more.
OMG, especially in Eclipse. AHHH!!
This is all I can come up with for now, but I know that when I finished reading the book my mind was going insane.
They stay the same. Although I am angry that Edward left, and even angrier that he over reacted as usual, instead of listening to reason, when he thought Bella died, and tried to off himself, I still felt the same way towards all the characters. Except Jake. Jake pissed me off so much in this book. I literally couldn't stand him once it was over.
How hard was it for you when Edward left Bella in the woods?
I must have cried for an hour. I stopped reading. Went talked to one of my friends and asked her if he came back, because if he didn't, I don't think I could have continued reading.
How soon after Twilight did you read New Moon?
Once it was like it was the same book. I finished the prom scene in Twilight. Closed it. Grabbed NM and opened it.
What kinds of questions did you have while reading the book that weren't resolved?How can Jake be such a jerk? (I'm totally Team ( ... )
Do your opinions of the characters we've met before stay the same? Are they challenged? Do they change? (Particularly Bella, Edward, Jacob, Billy, and/or Charlie.)
Billy is hateful as usual, and Charlie is the one I didn't like anymore, while Jacob has become so much better ^^ I was so happy to find him changed since Twilight! He's so sweet! No great changements about Bella or Edward - except for the big happiness of seeing him go back to Bella!
-How hard was it for you when Edward left Bella in the woods? Astonishing. But not as much as for those who read New Moon immediately after its release. I mean, when I read I already knew that it was just a matter of time for Edward to come back, because I already knew about Eclipse and Breaking dawn!
-How soon after Twilight did you read New Moon?
After 4-5 months ;D
-What kinds of questions did you have while reading the book that weren't resolved?Why does Bella stay untouched from the vampires' attacks? I really hope Meyer's gonna make this clear in Breaking ( ... )
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