I'm gonna slip this meme in here:

Jan 27, 2012 22:06

Okay, so I admit that I'm really bad at finishing memes, but I love this one too much not to post it:

(Stolen from miss_slipslop)
Pick a character I've written/am likely to know about and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing/imagining that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.

And if I ever haven't completed a meme of any sort that you'd really like to see, poke me. I will probably finish it immeaditly, because I hate to let people down.

ETA: Obviously I can't follow directions because I haven't really been doing 5 things. But I'm going to keep doing it this way, because I like it.

bsc memes, thoughts

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