1.If you were suddenly unable to make any excuses, what could you realistically do today to address whatever in your life is keeping you from being healthy and happy?
I could get in my car, drive to New England with my dog, find an apartment, and hit the pavement looking for work.
2.What are your feelings about professional wrestling?
I think it's pointless. I was going to say that I don't have an opinion, but anyone who's read my journal for any length of time is probably sick of hearing that. I have an opinion, and that is that professional wrestling is silly and pointless.
3.What is the brightest, most colorful article of clothing you actually wear once in a while?
Over the years I've been known for a variety of oversized, blindingly bright sweaters that I wore shamelessly and often one of which had the most awesome elf hood on it. Unfortunately they've all succumbed to random circumstance like hungry (spiteful?) mice, overzealous washing machines, or playful canines. The brightest thing I have left is the awesome tie-dye shirt I brought in 1999 and am actually wearing as I type this. Small world.
4.What’s something you do, not because you want to or because someone’s compelling you, but because it’s the right thing to do?
I *always* return my shopping cart to the little kiosk. And I cut up the plastic rings from 6-packs so birds and fish don't strangle in them.
5.What’s a food you’ll keep eating until it either runs out or someone stops bringing it to the table? Macaroni and cheese. I have to stay away from it for the most part from now on.
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