It's obvious that this is a year of big changes for me. Bernie and I are getting a divorce.
Mabon_grey and I are moving in to a new place together. I'm planning on changing my job. While Randy, Michael and Bernie will all have lots of changes of their own to deal with because of these things, right now, I'm focusing on me and how to get myself through it the best way possible. What I'm trying to do through all this is keep a clear vision of who I am, and how I want to live.
This is actually making de-cluttering easier for me. Before, I would keep things because I used them, but now I ask myself if this is something I want in the life I see for myself. Sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn't. I'm trying to take it slow, about 15 minutes a day, so I don't feel overwhelmed.
In a way, I feel like I'm an archaeologist, digging out my own life. Slowly uncovering the bones of who I am from the stone of who I was when I was trying to please everyone else. This isn't about berating myself, or saying unkind things about the clutter I've kept cocooned around me. This is about self discovery and emergence.