Dec 16, 2006 07:03
The past couple of weeks have sucked, and not in a good way. I'm listing the events in chronological order, rather than in order of badness.
1. My mom got diagnosed with breast cancer.
2. I got written up at work. Someone made a mistake. I didn't catch it. I had three chances to catch it, and I missed it each time. It could have cost the company $20,000 (or more). Fortunately, the Universe loves me, so (at least at this time) it hasn't actually cost the company any money, but I got written up, and rightly so.
3. We live with my mom. She has expressed (repeatedly) a desire that when anyone comes home, we let her know, even if it means waking her up. My husband has had a string of events this week where he didn't do that. She lost it and told him if he did it again, she was kicking him out of the house.
4. I tried talking to my mom about this (because lets face it, Bernie *is* going to forget again). I offered that instead of kicking him out of the house, that we would all move out by July. It came out that she wants me to divorce Bernie. She doesn't want Michael and me to move out. Just Bernie.
5. That night, my mom crawled into my bedroom and said she wasn't feeling well. She wanted me to take her to the emergency room. Instead, I called 911. The paramedics got there, and she had no measurable pulse and no measurable blood pressure. They took her to the emergency room. After 5 hours, the doctor said he didn't really know what happened, and released her to my care with the understanding that I take her to cardiologist in the morning. (She already had an appointment scheduled with him, so he could clear her for her breast cancer surgery on Jan 4.)
6. Bernie promised me that he would get his hair cut and sign up with a temp agency. He didn't do it. We can't afford to live in Southern California on what I make. He needs to find *something*, so we can move out. Instead, he's making arrangements to live somewhere else when he gets kicked out, and coming to visit Michael and me on weekends.