and another episode has aired. and i think i'm still mixed about my feelings for Ikemen Paradise. well anyways, let me get on with it.
so i think this episode did two things for me: 1. Toma has redeemed his Nakatsu in this episode and 2. as of now, i'm pretty disappointed with the Umeda they've made for this adaptation.
well i guess i can start with the first one. in the first episode, Nakatsu, to me, wasn't really Nakatsu. he was just all serious, what with his drama with Sano, and the way he was being kinda mean to Mizuki. it kinda got me panicking a little, cause where was the goofy side to Nakatsu that i grew so fond of in the manga?
well thank heavens for this episode, because it showcased that other side of the character perfectly. and i can now say that i'm happy with Toma being Nakatsu. he really does have the perfect balance between seriousness and goofiness. i like to call this episode the "Nakatsu episode" cause seriously, he's what made the episode a joy for me to watch.
now, as for the second thing, this really bothered me as i watched. correct me if i'm wrong (and i'm pretty sure i'm not) but Umeda sensei was not that mean to Mizuki. even in the beginning when he was confronting her about who she really was. and what's up with him and that photographer girl. i thought she was the same one that was TERRIFIED of Umeda in the manga. she is, isn't she?! i mean they still don't have a good relationship with each other, but she's supposed to be terrified of him, and he's supposed to dislike her, but he's supposed to be "whatever" about it. gah, i'm hoping this character changes as episodes go by. especially with his relationship with Mizuki, cause they did have an awesome kind of friendship.
another mentionables:
- Oguri Shun playing drunk was pretty damn funny. all his goofy grinning and giggle to himself made me giggle too (after i got over the confussion with how he became that, since they changed this one to him eating something with alcohol as opposed to him drinking it)
- i'm still a little weirded out with Himejima. he's just so over the top WEIRD in the drama. i remember him being a little eccentric, but not being kinda weird and wacko..
- i still love Kayashima. i cannot stress that enough. he's just the right blend of strange, cool, hot and awesomeness rolled in one.
now on to my screencaps...