i figure my harry potter friends will appreciate this.
back in April and May there was a Harry Potter Exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum. on my second go (yes i did go twice) there was a Marauder's Map mug. and of course, i bought one for myself, my sister and my bestfriend.
basically, it's a mug which looks almost completely black. but when you put hot water in it, the marauder's map appears. MAGIC!
a video would probably to better to show how cool it is, but alas, i only have photos =D
thought i ought to share.
to something off topic: i watched the Disney Rapunzel movie Tangled and loved it. it had Mandy Moore in it, so you know i just had to watch it. but it did not disappoint. really good movie. it's the first Disney animated movie i've seen in a while and i'm glad it was super good.