So I am now halfway through my law school experience. Yay!
And in other news, I want this! And since I'm going home, one of my first stops will be at my LCS and I have to grab Batwoman #0 and BoP and Batgirl. I also really want to find some Wonder Woman trades that keep being highly recommended on scans_daily.
Also, I ended up watching the entire season of Higher Ground this week and I've decided that AJ Cook is amazing and I need to write some Daisy/Shelby fic over break because this show is just too awesome. I really should make a picspam about it cause it is that good. And it's scary how many of the actors I recognized in that show (although watching it did make me glad that I have not seen Star Wars Episodes II and III, because Hayden Christiansen is a horrible actor.)
And I don't want to talk about the Stanford-DePaul game. Sunday is going to be the day I hope Stanford redeems itself. And UConn ties the record. And Rutgers beats Texas A&M.
Ok, back to cleaning my apartment ...