Ok ... Here we go ...
Fiction - Two Stories for 11 points
Fandom: iCarly
Pairing: Carly/Sam
Rating: G
Word Count 424
Other: Posted to Bechdel Comment Fic-a-thon, prompt: family dinner
Thursday night had always been family night for the Shays. When Carly's mother was alive, that meant homemade meals and board games. When Carly lived with her father, it meant pizza and a movie. So it's only natural that when Carly moves in with Spencer, they reserve Thursday nights to catch each other up on the latest in their lives; whether it’s a new sculpture or Carly’s latest school project over spaghetti tacos and then a round of video games.
Then Carly made a friend out of Sam Puckett, a girl she met at school who is fierce and wild in a way that Carly wishes she could be sometimes. At first, Carly was hesitant to introduce Spencer to Sam, afraid that her big brother would think being friends with an almost juvenile delinquent was a bad idea. However, their first meeting disproved Carly’s concerns when Sam and Spencer hit it off; Sam gave him the idea for his next sculpture. Who knew that Sam was so adept with spray paint? After that, Carly had no qualms about Sam coming over.
Sam usually avoided going to Carly's apartment on Thursday nights. That was family night and she didn't want to interfere with Carly and Spencer's relationship. However, her reasons for not following Carly home on those nights began to wear thin when nine times out of ten, if someone was looking for Sam Puckett, then they merely had to look within five feet of Carly Shay.
There was only so many times Sam could use the excuse of having to spend time with her (imaginary) cat or other friends. Finally, Carly had enough of Sam's excuses and decided to take the bull by the horns.
"What's up, cupcake?"
"DoyouwanttocometomyhousefordinneronThursday?" Carly asked in a rush.
Sam blinked at the verbal explosion that came from her new friend. "What?"
Carly took a deep breath and tried again. "Do you want to come to my house for dinner on Thursday?"
Sam blinked again. And then there was silence as she continued to stare at Carly. Finally, Carly had enough of the blank stare. "Sam? Are you ok?" she asked while waving her hand in front of her friend's face.
That snapped Sam out of her musings. "Are you sure, Carly? I mean, I know that Thursday nights are special for you and your brother."
"Well. Of course I'm sure otherwise I wouldn't be asking silly. Besides, don't you know? You're part of the family now."
Sam’s bad girl image almost broke before she agreed to come.
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Pairing: B'Elanna/Kathryn
Rating: G
Word Count 784
Other: Posted to Bechdel Comment Fic-a-thon, prompt: rebuilding the warp core as therapy. You set it in either season one when they're still getting to know one another, or post season five, and they acknowledge that they're both still working through severe depression issues, I will love you forever.
Kathryn liked to walk around Voyager when she couldn't sleep. There wasn't ever a real purpose to the stroll, but she found it far more relaxing than staring at the ceiling of her cabin, pondering her decisions to date. Self-reflection wasn't always a good thing, she mused, as she decided to visit Engineering and took a turbolift down to Deck 11.
Skirting past the few personnel on duty in Engineering at this hour, Kathryn was surprised to find that the light was on in her new Chief Engineer's office. Hoping that there was nothing wrong with the ship, she knocked on the door before pushing it open upon hearing a gruff "Enter" uttered from within.
B'Elanna didn't even look up from the PADD she was hunched over studying. "If it's not an emergency, which it's not because I don't hear an alarm going off, it can wait until tomorrow morning."
Kathryn chuckled. "It is morning, Lieutenant Torres."
Upon hearing her superior officer's voice, B'Elanna bolted up, knocking her chair over and almost falling herself in an attempt to get to an approximation of being at attention. "At ease, Lieutenant," said Kathryn, attempting to keep the amusement out of her voice.
"Captain," said B’Elanna, once she had relaxed, "How can I help you?"
"You could tell me what has my Chief Engineer up into the early hours of the morning. The alpha shift ended hours ago."
B'Elanna hesitated for a second before answering. "I wanted to go over some warp core readings. Nothing jumped out at us during routine inspections or diagnoses, but I had a feeling and wanted to make sure there wasn't anything to substantiate it."
Janeway raised an eyebrow. She had chosen Torres over Carey because of hunches like this one, but she needed her Chief rested, not worrying about ghosts. The irony didn't escape her.
"I was a science officer before I entered command. Mind if I take a look at the data as well? Maybe between the two of us, we can figure out what the problem is."
B'Elanna copied the data she had been looking at to an empty PADD and handed it to the Captain before gesturing to the other chair in the room. Kathryn took it and began going over the data while B'Elanna retook her seat.
After about thirty minutes, Janeway had also developed a vague feeling of unease about Voyager's warp core. It was like Torres has said; nothing in the data stood out at her as remarkable, but there were some inconsistencies that, when taken together, could potentially indicate a problem. However, getting down to the root of the problem would require a complete overhaul of the warp core; something that Janeway was hesitant to authorize, as it would require Voyager to sit idle for at least a week with only emergency power. A sigh escaped from her lips.
B'Elanna looked up at the sound. "I see you’ve come to the same conclusion as I have, Captain," she said. "I'm going to have to tear the warp core apart to find the problem."
"What's your best guess for how much time it would take?"
B'Elanna thought for a moment. "If I have the entire Engineering crew working around the clock, three days. With a bit of luck, it could be less than that. Otherwise, I'll need five."
Kathryn managed to keep her command face on even as astonishment tried to break through. She knew though that Lieutenant Torres didn't say things she didn't mean and that if she said she could strip and rebuild the warp core in three days than it would be done in three days to the minute.
"There's a planet we're approaching that Neelix has been wanting to visit. Something about getting the ingredients for his famous Tulopian soup. We'll put into orbit and you'll have the five days needed to overhaul the warp core. But in the mean time," and with the change in tone to Janeway’s command voice, B'Elanna unconsciously straightened in her chair, "you'll get some sleep. I need my Chief Engineer fully rested if we're going to do something that is normally only done in a shipyard with better equipment than we have on hand."
B'Elanna nodded in agreement and then stared pointedly at the Captain as a yawn escaped Kathryn.
"And on that note, I think I am also going to head to bed." Kathryn said as she rose from the chair. She turned to leave and was stopped by one final comment.
"Thank you, Captain. For trusting me."
Kathryn merely nodded in response before leaving the office and heading to her quarters. Making Lieutenant Torres her Chief Engineer had definitely been the right decision.
GIFs - 11 for 55 points
Fandom: Bring It On
Character: Missy
Description: Missy working on the cheerleading routine
Link Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Description: Buffy kissing Faith in the hospital
Link Fandom: The Facts of Life
Pairing: Jo/Blair
Description: Jo and Blair fighting with paint
Link> Fandom: Fastlane
Pairing: Billie/Sara
Description: Billie and Sara kissing at a club
Link Fandom: Glee
Character: Brittany
Description: Brittany re-enacting Lady and the Tramp
Link Fandom: The Good Wife
Pairing: Kalinda/Alicia
Description: Kalinda and Alicia doing tequila shots
Link> Fandom: Murder in Suburbia
Character: Scribbs
Description: Making the Sugar Puff drink
Link Fandom: Murder in Suburbia
Pairing: Ash/Scribbs
Description: Ash telling Scribbs her rules about sharing a bed
Link Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Alex/Nikita
Description: Nikita soothing Alex during a nightmare
Link Fandom: Popular
Pairing: Sam/Brooke
Description: Sam and Brooke twirling together
Link Fandom: Stargate SG1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Description: Sam and Janet hug from Ripple Effect
Link Icons - 35 for 35 points, 1 animated for 3 points for 38 total points
Battlestar Galactica - 1
Brave & the Bold - 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1
Charlie's Angels - 2
Fried Green Tomatoes - 2
Fringe - 10, 1 animated
Glee - 1
iCarly - 1
Legend of the Seeker - 8
Nikita - 1
Popular - 3
Veronica Mars - 2
West Wing - 1
11 + 55 + 38 = Total of 104 points!