It's Jan 4th, which means I will be 40 in eleven days' time. I
wrote some thoughts about that here, and I feel like I'm taking this birthday too seriously - more seriously than most people I know seem to have taken their 40ths - but I'm trying not to get sucked into the mindset of 'other people don't care about this so I shouldn't either'. If it matters to me then it matters to me and there's not much I can do about that. (Although I do want to manage my expectations around my various birthday events, because I can get very childlike about birthdays and it just leads to disappointment, whereas being sensible about them leads to having lots of fun.)
Part of all this is just processing 'Katy is 40' so that once it;s happened I'll already be fine with it, which I'm sure is what will happen. And it's not even that I don't want to be 40. God knows it's better than the alternative! It's just odd somehow to think of me bring in my 40s.