
Sep 08, 2012 14:54

So BiFete is two weeks tomorrow. If youre thinking of coming and would like to help out/be involved, here are some things you could do:

Be a human book. This means that you'll wear a book sticker and people will be able to 'check you out' (not like that) to talk about one of the topics you've volunteered to talk about. This could be personal coming-out anecdotes, discussion about the bi community, a 'come to Bicon!' speech, gender, trans* issues, bisexuality and X, or something completely unrelated to bisexuality such as how to change a spark plug or the history of Moldovia. Entirely up to you, and you don't have to tell me in advance - just turn up and tell our Librarian (Tucker) your topics and he'll sort it all out.

Bring things. Books, bric-a-brac, CDs, anything reasonably small (and family-friendly!) that you want to get rid of - donate them to the stall or the tombola, or swap them for something you want.

Bring cakes and other baked goods. And sell them - or rather, get donations for them since we're working on a donation basis.

Bring crafts, games, knitting, whatever you'd like to do during the afternoon.

Help set up and tidy up. Always appreciated! Shouldn't be a lot of work, it's only a little event.

Spread the word. Tell people it's happening - that would be brilliant.

Looking forward to it!

upcoming events, bifete

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