Supernatural Fic: The Prank (Part 3.2/4)

Dec 31, 2011 03:17

Title: The Prank That Filled the Spank Bank
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: Bookkbaby
Rating: NC-17 (By reading this, you certify that you are of legal age to view such material in your area/country)
Pairing: Dean/Cas, mentions of Sam/Jess and Bobby/Ellen
Warnings: cursing, explicit M/M sex, brief Dean/Anna, brief M/F/F threesome, brief RPS mentioned
Summary: Based off of this prompt on Tumblr. It starts with a prank war and a chance meeting at the auto shop Dean works at.

Dean drummed his fingers on the table, resisting the urge to check his watch. He'd ended up driving to the Roadhouse a half hour early, since Sam had been giving him increasingly worried looks and kept asking if he was feeling all right. Dean was perfectly fine. So maybe he had been pacing the apartment and had changed his shirt twice before he was satisfied. So maybe he had spent almost fifteen minutes on his hair rather than the usual five. It wasn't that weird.

He gave in to the urge and checked his watch. It was four forty-nine. Dean scowled and grabbed his beer, taking a long swig of it. He should probably slow down, since this was his second of the night already. He wanted to keep a mostly clear head, even if he wasn't sure he could do this entirely sober. Talking about anything resembling emotions was best done as drunk as possible, even if 'shitfaced' wasn't an option tonight.

He wanted Cas to know that he was choosing this, not just rolling with it because he was drunk and horny.

Dean glanced around the Roadhouse. The place wasn't very busy. Only about half of the tables were full and none of the people sitting at them were interesting enough to hold Dean's interest for long. His eyes kept returning to the door, hoping to see a familiar beige overcoat.

Five minutes later, his patience was finally rewarded.

Castiel walked in and looked around the room, obviously looking for Dean. Dean grinned and waved. His palms felt sweaty and his stomach fluttered. Maybe he shouldn't have had two beers on an empty stomach.

Cas spotted him and nodded in acknowledgement. Dean lowered his hand as Cas walked over.

"Hello, Dean," Castiel said as he sat down across from Dean at the table. He shimmied out of his coat and laid it on the bench next to him. He settled onto his chair, looking as relaxed and content as he ever did. There was no reason for him to be nervous at all, Dean reminded himself. As far as Cas was concerned, this was just another night. It was just dinner with a friend, and while Dean hoped that this wouldn't be the last time they did dinner, hopefully this would be the last night Dean was just a 'friend'.

"Hi, Cas," Dean replied. He coughed into his hand, hoping to clear the breathiness from his voice. Castiel frowned.

"Is something wrong?" he asked. Dean shook his head.

"No. Nothing's wrong," he said. He shifted in place, took a deep breath, and decided to just jump right in. If he didn't bring it up now, he might very well chicken out before the end of the night. "I read your new story."

"Which one?" Cas asked, frown deepening. "I haven't posted anything to FictionPress in months."

Dean took another deep breath and let it out slowly to steel himself. No going back, for better or worse. Dean just hoped that this went as well as it had for story!Dean.

"Not on FictionPress," Dean said slowly. He met Castiel's eyes and held them. "The one you posted on Wednesday, on LiveJournal. 'One Drunken Night' ringing any bells?"

Cas's eyes widened and his face went white. It was very nearly the same puppy-dog-in-headlights expression that he had made when Dean had told him that Chastity was flirting with him. The sudden reminder of their first 'date' nearly made Dean laugh, but if he so much as chuckled, he'd end up laughing hysterically. He hadn't been this nervous since his first time with a man.

"What?" Cas asked weakly. Dean tried to smile reassuringly. It probably came out more like a grimace due to his uncertainty, but he didn't have a mirror to check.

"I've known about your Jimmy Novak account since... hell, since before I met you." Dean ran a hand over the back of his neck, eyes dropping from Castiel's to stare at the tabletop.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Castiel said, voice carefully bland. Dean did chuckle at that and he looked up. Cas's expression was mostly shut down, but his eyes were still shocked and nervous. Dean grinned. Cas was still a shitty liar.

"I recognized your voice in the auto shop," he said. "From the recordings on your site. I know it's you, Cas, so you can stop trying to tell me it's not."

"Oh," Cas said in a small voice. There was silence for a moment and then he cleared his throat and looked away. "I apologize. I didn't know - I wouldn't have posted it if I knew..." His voice trailed off. Dean could hear what he wasn't saying. Clearly enough, anyway.

"Why?" Dean asked. Castiel looked at him, confused. Dean clarified. "Why wouldn't you have posted it if you knew I'd see it?"

Castiel's puzzled expression became more pronounced.

"You are my friend, Dean," Cas said slowly. He looked down. "I didn't want to ruin that, but I didn't anticipate you already knowing about that account. It was my mistake." He took a deep breath and let it out in a rush. "If you'll excuse me." He made as if to get up, but Dean's hand shot out and he grabbed Castiel's wrist. Cas tensed at the contact, but he didn't try to pull away.

"Nothing's ruined, Cas," Dean said firmly. He squeezed Castiel's wrist briefly and his voice gentled. "Sit down, okay? It's not a big deal."

Castiel looked at him, expression dark.

"And if I said that I based the story off of a fantasy of mine?" he asked. "Would I still be welcome to sit with you then, Dean?"

Well, there was the answer to a question Dean hadn't been sure how to ask. The story was based off of truth. He grinned widely. Cas blinked, puzzled.

"Definitely," Dean replied. "And I'd say that you don't need to get me drunk to make it come true. Unless you're really fond of drunken fumbling, but let me tell you that I'm much better sober."

Castiel seemed stunned. He held perfectly still, eyes wide, for almost a minute. Dean began to feel edgy, like he had gone too far, but then Cas finally moved.

"Oh," he said, dropping heavily back onto the bench. He still didn't try to pull his wrist away from Dean's grip. Dean waited for him to speak, but Castiel's eyes rested briefly on Dean's hand holding his wrist, then flicked up to his face, and then finally away. "What-" He stopped.

"Talk to me, Cas," Dean said. He thoughtlessly rubbed his thumb along Cas's forearm. Castiel looked sharply towards the point of contact, then cleared his throat and pulled his arm away. Dean let him go, feeling suddenly cold. He swallowed thickly and shifted, backing away from Cas just a bit to give him space. "What is it?"

"What about Jo?" Castiel asked pointedly. Dean frowned.

"Jo?" he repeated. "What's she got to do with anything?"

Castiel hesitated.

"What would she think?" he asked. Dean's frown deepened.

"Does it matter?" he asked. Cas's expression hardened.

"Yes, it does matter, Dean," he said stiffly. Dean sat back on the bench, too baffled to be annoyed.

"You don't need to be so concerned," he said. He took a sip of his beer. "She told me to go for it, way back when I first met you."

"She-" Cas started, then stopped, apparently thrown. "She encouraged you?"

"Yeah." Dean nodded. "You want to tell me why Jo's opinion matters so much to you?" He thought for a second and scowled. "Is it because your brother has the hots for her?"

"Gabriel has no interest in Jo," Cas said, sounding as confused as Dean felt. He leaned forward. "Are you not dating?"

"Me and Jo?" Dean asked incredulously. "Dude, she's like my little sister!"

"Your sister?" Cas echoed, staring at Dean in surprise. "I thought..." His voice trailed off and he shook his head. He looked back at Dean, cautiously hopeful. "You're not dating anyone?"

"I don't do the relationship thing," Dean replied without thinking, a lifetime of habit finally coming back to bite him on the ass. He winced as soon as the words left his mouth. Castiel's expression shuttered.

"I see," he said blandly.

"I mean, I tried it once a long time ago. It didn't work out, and I haven't really tried again," Dean said. That hadn't come out right. "What I'm trying to say is-"

"You don't need to explain yourself to me, Dean," Cas said, looking around the Roadhouse. Anywhere but at Dean. Damnit.

"What I'm trying to say," Dean repeated firmly, willing Cas to look at him. "Is that I'm bad at relationships. The longest one I've had before this-“ He pointed at Cas and then himself.”- lasted two weeks."

Cas stilled. He didn't look at Dean.

"'Before this'?" Castiel echoed, voice carefully controlled. Dean half-smiled, relaxing.

"My brother pointed out that you and I were basically dating," he told Cas. "And I liked that idea. I was kind of pissed off at him because it wasn't actually true."

"Don't lie to me, Dean," Castiel asked quietly. He sounded like he hoped that Dean was being honest, but couldn't bring himself to trust his words. He met Dean's eyes before continuing. "Don't tell me what you think I want to hear."

Dean nodded.

"I'm not lying," he said. "And I'm not going to." He breathed in. He'd never be able to do this while completely sober, since this next bit came dangerously close to feelings. "I just wanted to have sex with you at first. One night, no strings and all that. You're fucking gorgeous, Cas, I wouldn't have been me if I didn't think about it."

Castiel looked away again, the tips of his ears red. Dean smiled.

"Then, well..." Dean cleared his throat and looked at his beer. "What your Dean and Cas had at the end of your story? I've wanted that for a while. I just didn't think you would." He took another deep breath, let it out slowly, and took a long sip of his drink. He set the bottle down firmly and wiped his mouth. "I like you and I'd like to date you."

Cas was dumbstruck for several seconds. Dean watched him nervously, palms sweating and heart pounding. He knew that Cas wanted it too, at least according to what had been written in 'One Drunken Night', but the silence was hell on his nerves.

"Say something," Dean said finally. Cas jerked, startled.

"What would you like me to say?" he said. Dean scratched the back of his head, chuckling uneasily.

"A 'yes' would be nice, for starters," he said. "You like me, I like you, neither of us are attached..." He paused, a sudden, ugly thought occurring to him. "Unless there's something you're not telling me?"

"No, I'm not seeing anyone," Cas said quickly. Dean relaxed.

"Then I'd like an answer." He chuckled. "I thought I was pretty clear this time, but in case I wasn't: will you go out with me?"

"'This time'?" Cas asked, a brief frown turning his lips down. Dean opened his mouth to explain, but then Cas cleared his throat and continued, looking uncomfortable. "You know that the story was my fantasy. I thought my answer was obvious."

"It still helps to hear it," Dean replied, relaxing. Cas met his eyes and held his gaze, expression serious.

"Then yes. I want to go out with you, Dean," Cas replied. "It's what I've wanted since we met." He frowned again. "What do you mean by 'this time'?"

"I tried asking you out when we met," Dean said. He took another sip of his beer and idly thought about flagging down the waitress to request another. Or menus, at least. "When I asked for your number."

"You were trying to ask me out on a date?" Cas asked. He sounded stunned.

"Yeah," Dean said, nodding. "I thought you knew that, up until you asked me whether or not friends usually pay for their own food."

Cas groaned and put a hand to his forehead. Dean watched, bemused.

"I'm going to kill Gabriel," Cas muttered.

"Why?" Dean asked, brow wrinkling in confusion. Castiel winced.

"I did initially think that you were asking me on a date," he admitted. "But I wasn't certain, so I asked my brother."

Dean groaned and slapped a hand to his face. He'd met Gabriel once and even he knew better than that. Castiel looked away, apparently embarrassed.

"I believe my brother may have been sarcastic when he replied. I don't remember his exact words, but he said something about how of course any man who asks for my phone number five minutes after meeting me just wants to be friends and probably does already have a girlfriend." Cas looked back at Dean. "At the time, I believed that you were dating Jo."

"Yes, Cas, he was being sarcastic," Dean said. He rubbed a hand over his face. No wonder Gabriel had picked up on Dean's interest in Cas so quickly. He'd been looking for it. A lot of Castiel's reactions all those weeks ago at dinner suddenly made a lot more sense. Castiel had believed that Gabriel was teasing him, not Dean. "We've wasted a lot of time."

"More than enough," Cas said lowly, agreeing. Dean gave him a little half-smile.

"We can fix that." He dropped his gaze for a second, then lifted it again. "I might be crap at this relationship thing. Fair warning."

"I consider myself warned," Cas said, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. Dean's eyes dropped to Castiel's lips. He licked his own reflexively and noticed Castiel's gaze drop to follow the motion.

"Cas," Dean said thickly. Castiel's eyes flicked back up and they were dark with want. The look went straight to Dean's groin. He leaned forward slowly, not sure if he was more afraid of scaring Cas off or scaring himself. If he kissed Cas now, like he desperately wanted to, it would feel like sealing a deal.

Cas leaned forward just as slowly, eyes dropping to Dean's lips again. Nothing could have stopped Dean after that. He closed the last bit of distance between them in seconds, capturing Castiel's mouth with his own at long last.

Castiel made a muffled noise of surprise but quickly got with the program. He leaned into the kiss, pressing his mouth more firmly against Dean's and lifting his hand tentatively to Dean's cheek. Dean moved into the contact, parting his lips to brush his tongue across Castiel's lower lip. Cas's mouth opened at the touch and he tilted his head to give Dean a better angle, making a small, pleased noise as he did so.

Dean dipped his tongue in for a quick taste and then pulled back before things could go too far. Cas tried to follow him as Dean sat back, but the table was in the way. Castiel shifted backwards, though he was still leaning over the table.

"Dean?" he asked in a voice even deeper than normal. His lips were slick with their combined saliva and Dean felt his dick twitch at the sight. If he had to make it through dinner like this, he'd explode out of sheer sexual frustration before dessert was served.

"How hungry are you?" Dean asked quickly.

"Not particularly," Cas replied immediately, realization in his tone. Dean grinned wickedly, almost jittery with anticipation.

"You want to get out of here?" he asked Cas quietly. He leaned forward, motioning for Castiel to do the same. Cas did, presenting his ear for Dean to whisper, "If you come home with me tonight, we're going to have sex. If you don't want that, then we can stay here and have a nice dinner, but..." He dipped his head briefly to press a kiss to Castiel's neck. "I'd really like for you to come home with me."

He felt Castiel's shiver rather than saw it.

"Yes," Castiel said hoarsely. Dean pulled back and grabbed his jacket from its place on the bench next to him. Cas followed suit a second later, pulling on his coat as Dean pulled out his wallet and tossed twenty bucks onto the table. It would be more than enough to cover his beers and an extremely generous tip, but Dean didn't have any smaller bills on him and wasn't about to wait for change.

He shoved his wallet back into his pocket and looked up. Cas was standing by the table with his coat on and his eyes fixed on Dean. Dean felt his body heat up under the scrutiny.

"Shall we?" he asked, keeping eye contact with Cas but tilting his head in the direction of the door.

"I'm ready." Cas's voice was layered with meaning and Dean turned away, fighting the urge to throw Cas onto the table and have his way with him right then and there. Ellen would kill him.

He started walking towards the door, hyper-aware of Castiel at his heels. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and he turned his head to look as they passed the bar. Jo and Ash were watching them with big grins on their faces. Ash was giving Dean two thumbs up.

Dean felt his face heat with embarrassment. How long had they been watching? Probably since Cas arrived, or shortly thereafter. Jo had probably been responsible for the lack of interruptions while they were at the table, now that Dean thought of it. The waitresses in the Roadhouse were usually a lot quicker at serving people. Jo had probably asked them to leave Dean and Cas alone; she had remarked on Dean's agitated state when he had first arrived.

Dean shot her a grateful smile and a wink, then turned his attention back to the front and walked out into the parking lot. Cas was still a half-step behind him.

"Your car will be fine here for the night, if you want to leave it," Dean said, slowing his steps but heading in the direction of his car. "Or we've got parking by my apartment, if you want to drive yourself."

"I'll go with you," Cas said immediately. Dean quickened his stride, leading Cas to the Impala. He didn't want to wait any longer than he had to, but wanted to do this with Cas properly. That meant a bed, not the backseat, and the closest option they had was Dean's apartment.

Dean unlocked the door and slid into his seat, leaning over in the same motion and unlocking the passenger side door as well. Cas got into the car and closed the door. By the time he buckled his seatbelt, Dean was already belted in and had the car running.

Dean took a deep breath as he drove out of the parking lot. He had to keep his focus on driving and on the road, but Cas was incredibly distracting. Castiel wasn't even doing anything, he was simply sitting in the passenger seat, radiating heat, and staring every so often at Dean. Dean could feel his eyes like a physical touch every time Cas glanced his way. The drive to the apartment was mostly silent, as Dean hadn't bothered with the radio, and with nothing to distract them from it, the tension kept on building.

After what had to be some of the longest minutes of Dean's life, he pulled into his reserved parking spot in the apartment building's garage. As he did so, in his peripheral vision he noticed a pensive expression on Castiel's face. It looked like he was thinking deeply about something, possibly the wisdom of jumping right into bed with a man who had flat out said that he didn't do relationships. Dean kicked himself again for the thoughtless comment.

He shut off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt and then turned to face Castiel. Cas was fumbling with his seatbelt, trying to get it unbuckled.

"Cas," Dean said, reaching across and putting his hand on Castiel's shoulder. Cas looked up. "If you're having second thoughts, we can still go back to the Roadhouse and just have dinner." Reality was different from fiction. It never went as easily in real life as in stories, so Dean wouldn't honestly be surprised if Cas decided that things were moving too quickly. Disappointed as hell, but he wasn't going to rush Cas. He'd just have to suffer blue balls one more night.

"'Second-'" Cas started to say, surprised. He smiled thinly and shook his head. "No, Dean, I'm not having second thoughts. I want this."

Thank God.

"It's just.." Cas trailed off and looked down. He seemed to be steeling himself for something and Dean felt his nervousness increase. "I don't want you to be disappointed. I haven't... done this before."

"What?" Dean asked. He forced himself to chuckle in hopes of lessening the tension. It didn't help. "You've never fucked on the first date?" It wasn't really the first, but it was the first time they had both admitted to wanting more than friendship. "Don't worry, Cas, I'll still respect you in the morning."

"This isn't funny, Dean," Cas said, shooting Dean a narrow glare. Dean blinked, confused. Cas looked away from him again. "I haven't had sex before."

"With a man?" Dean asked slowly, because he had kind of figured that, but with the way Cas was talking, it didn't sound like that was all he meant.

"With anyone," Cas said. He looked at Dean apologetically. "I know that you prefer partners with experience, but-"

"Wait a minute," Dean said, holding up a hand. Cas went quiet. Dean's jaw worked for a second, lost for words, but then he found his voice again. "You're a virgin? You've never-"

"I've never had occasion," Castiel said, looking down. "I have enough technical knowledge, but I've never... applied it."

"I thought..." Dean shook his head, still reeling. "How'd you write your stories?"

Castiel shot him a pained look.

"I have a vivid imagination and an Internet connection, Dean. How do you think I write my stories?"

"Oh." Dean sat back in his seat. He imagined Cas sitting at his computer, looking up porn as research for his stories. Dean felt a wave of heat wash over him, only to be followed by another, larger wave when he recalled his earlier fantasies of being the first to touch Cas sexually. He'd dismissed the fantasy at the time, convinced that he'd never get the chance to get Cas horizontal and that Cas wouldn't be a virgin in any case, but Castiel hadn't had sex before. They were sitting in the car now, out of Dean’s apartment, in order to have sex. Dean really would be his first.

"If it's a problem-" Cas started to say, but Dean cut him off.

"It's not a problem," Dean said, giving him a quick grin. "Trust me, it's really not." He looked in the direction of the apartment and then back to Castiel. "Come upstairs?"

Cas's eyes traced over Dean's lips and searched his face. Dean tried to keep his expression honest, hoping the eagerness he couldn't keep out of it didn't scare Cas away. Cas must have been satisfied with whatever he saw because he relaxed and nodded.

"Let's go," Dean said, getting out of the car.

Back to Part 2
Back to Part 3.1
On to Part 4

nc-17, supernatural, destiel, slash, fanfiction

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