Sherlock: A Brief Flight of Fancy

Oct 16, 2010 01:51

Title: A Brief Flight of Fancy
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Author: Bookkbaby
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash
Summary: Spoilers for the end of episode 3. Sherlock/John. What Sherlock was thinking towards the end of the episode, given a slashy bent.

Disclaimer: I don’t own. The characters are property of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and BBC. I used some of the lines from the episode - words in quotes aren’t mine.

Warnings: None, really.

Thanks to Misster Cackles, Jennypen, and ShotWithABullet for looking this over for me! Any remaining mistakes are entirely my own.

A Brief Flight of Fancy

"Bet you never saw this coming."

John's voice was steady and even. Then again, Sherlock hadn't expected any less. John was a former soldier; of course something as minor as the man's own imminent death wouldn't cause his voice to shake.

Sherlock himself was not so fortunate. He was familiar with the concept of fear and the physical symptoms of same, but he had never before experienced the emotion firsthand. Yet now, his heart was beating rapidly in a manner different than it usually did around his flatmate. His palms were sweaty and his footsteps seemed to echo in the tiled room.

Sherlock resisted the urge to run up to John and tear off the offending vest strapped to the other man's chest. That would not help him catch Moriarty and, even assuming Sherlock did manage to successfully remove the vest, the red laser held steadily at John's chest discouraged the idea. Even if the threat of the bomb was neutralized, the threat of the sniper would not be.

Sherlock Holmes had been out-maneuvered.

In any other situation, Sherlock would have smiled. A battle of wits against a worthy foe, an actual distraction that had the promise of entertaining him for a few more months…

Oddly enough, he found himself incapable of smiling.

"What would you like me to make him say next?"

For a moment, Sherlock felt his mind slip beyond his usual realm of logic and reality and take a flight of fancy. For just one wild, insane moment, Sherlock was half-tempted to ask Moriarty to force John to say 'I love you, Sherlock'.

In the next instant, however, Sherlock was himself again. He stepped closer to John, turning slowly as he moved. There would be time enough to get John to say those words and mean them. Sherlock had realized the beginnings of an infatuation within himself for the former Army doctor and though he had attempted to quash the emotions, he had so far been unsuccessful. Sherlock had a hunch that he never would. Perhaps one day he could properly begin their courting, once John's relationship with Sarah had reached its predictable, inevitable end.

There would be time enough for such things.

Sherlock intended to make certain of it.


A/N: This was my first foray into the Sherlock fandom. I freely admit that I haven’t read the books, but the idea for this hit me while I was watching the third episode and wouldn’t leave me alone until I had written it.

Please let me know what you thought!

fancy, sherlock, flight, watson, slash, fanfiction, bbc

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