D.Gray-man fic: Marshmallow

Jun 29, 2010 01:19

Title: Marshmallow
Author: Bookkbaby
Rating: Teen
Warnings: YAOI
Summary: Lucky Pair. Tyki and Lavi share marshmallows.

Warnings: Yaoi, BOYS KISSING. Don’t like? Don’t read.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing and I make no money off of this.


Lavi watched his marshmallow closely, turning it every so often so that it would cook evenly. Light brown on the outside, gooey and delicious on the inside; there were some things, he found, that were worth waiting for.

He smiled and lifted up the stick he had been using to hold the marshmallow over the fire. He let the cool end of the stick slid from his hand to the ground and grabbed the top with his other hand. The marshmallow, perfectly browned, rested on top. Carefully, humming softly to himself, Lavi grabbed the marshmallow's side with his index finger and thumb and gently lifted it off the stick. It oozed slightly in his hand, some of the gooey insides remaining on the stick as he brought the marshmallow up to his mouth. He popped it in and began to chew then swallowed and sighed happily. Lavi lifted his hand to lick off the quickly-cooling remains of the marshmallow.

"You seem to be enjoying that."

Lavi turned towards the source of the voice, smiling when he recognized the man who had spoken.

Tyki was walking towards him from the edge of the clearing.

"Well, they're tasty," Lavi said, moving to lick the remains of his marshmallow off of his fingers.

Tyki sat next to him and caught his wrist, halting Lavi's movement. The redhead looked at the former Noah questioningly, but Tyki just smirked and gently tugged at Lavi's hand. Lavi let him, cheeks turning slightly red as his hand was guided to Tyki's mouth. The older man parted his lips and then closed them over Lavi's fingers, sucking the partially melted marshmallow from the digits. Lavi watched, mesmerized, biting his lip to keep from groaning as Tyki's tongue moved skillfully over his fingers.

After a few moments, Tyki let him go. Lavi lowered his hand slowly, the night breeze drying his skin.

Tyki licked his lips slowly and nodded.

"Quite tasty indeed, Lavi," he said, leaning closer. "Might I try some more...?"

Lavi felt one hand come up behind his head and took his cue, leaning forward to meet Tyki. Their lips met and Lavi opened his mouth, not needing Tyki's prompt. The former Noah's tongue slid right into Lavi's mouth and the redhead's tongue greedily moved to meet it. The two men shifted closer to each other as their tongues met, Tyki's easily dominating the kiss. They broke apart but neither pulled away, staring at each other's faces with more than a hint of desire.

"Do you like... marshmallows?" Lavi asked, a hint of a grin tugging at his lips. Tyki smirked.

"I think I do, but let me have another taste to be sure."

Lavi had one last, fleeting thought before their lips met again.

'I wonder if he'd be interested in trying s'mores...'

The End

A/N: This was written a while ago when I was bored, so yes, it is a bit random… I’ll get back to working on my other fics soon, I promise!

lucky, yaoi, tyki, lavi, fanfiction

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