FullMetal Alchemist: Drunk

Feb 05, 2010 21:13

Fandom: FullMetal Alchemist
Title: Drunk
Author: Bookkbaby
Rating: Teen
Warnings: YAOI
Summary: RoyxEd "Havoc should have fucking warned me you're a grabby pervert when you're drunk."

Disclaimer: I don’t own FMA. That belongs to Hiromu Arakawa. If the rights to FMA (or Colonel Mustang) ever appear on eBay, let me know!

Author’s Notes: This was supposed to be a drabble. It turned into a oneshot, so I decided to post it separately of the set of drabbles I’m working on. Enjoy!


Ed scowled darkly, staring across the wide counter towards the brightly colored glass bottles that housed the bar's booze. His flesh hand gripped a glass cup filled with apple juice and he deliberately ignored the heavy weight against his side and the arm that had slid around his waist.

The occasional kisses to his neck and the provocative suggestions whispered in his ear were a bit harder to ignore.

"Havoc should have fucking warned me you're a grabby pervert when you're drunk," Ed groused, taking a sip of his juice to avoid looking at the apparently very drunk Colonel. The dark-haired man's advances had become progressively more aggressive with each glass of alcohol he had downed. "And I should never have said I'd take you home."

"I coul' always take you home, Fullmetal," Roy said, speech only a bit slurred as he slid his hand up the blonde's side. Ed could feel his face heat up and he slammed his glass back on the top of the bar. He turned and glared at Roy.

"Cut it out, you drunk bastard..." Ed said, grabbing the wandering hand and shoving it away before pushing Roy back to his own barstool. "And don't call me that."

Al's body had been restored more than a year ago. With his objective fulfilled, Ed had quit the military as soon as his contract was up. He had handed in his watch (along with the title 'Fullmetal Alchemist') a month ago. The only reason he was here now was because it was Roy's birthday and - though Ed wouldn't admit this on pain of death to anyone, even Alphonse - he had missed the smug bastard. Just a little.

Roy leaned towards him again. Ed leaned back a little, flushing again as the Colonel moved entirely too far into the blonde's personal space.

"Then is 'Edward' accep'able?" The question was strangely urgent and the slur was almost nonexistent until the final word, as though Roy had suddenly remembered he was supposed to be slurring his words.

Ed only barely noticed, much more distracted by the man's lips than by what he was saying. After a few seconds had passed, he realized he had been asked a question.

"F-Fine, bastard. Now move back to your stool and finish your drink," Ed mumbled in reply. Roy either didn't hear him or ignored him, for he leaned in even closer.


The blonde shivered slightly as the sound of Roy's voice calling his name reached his ears. He opened his mouth to revoke permission to use his name but his lips were suddenly covered by Roy's. Ed let out a muffled gasp of surprise, stunned even further when the Colonel's tongue invaded his mouth.

Roy moved aggressively against him, one of the man's hands snaking around the blonde's waist and pushing against the small of Ed's back. Roy's other hand moved to the back of Ed's head, holding him close.

Ed was too stunned to react, but not too stunned to notice something strange.

Roy's tongue didn't taste like alcohol at all. In fact, the man's tongue tasted very much like juice.

Roy broke the kiss, moving back just enough to separate their lips. Ed just stared at him for a moment. Roy's eyes were clear, not glazed over like they should be if he was really as drunk as he pretended. There was faint hope shining in their depths.

Ed narrowed his eyes and shoved Roy back, glaring.

"Bastard! You weren't drunk at all!" he hissed. The light in Roy's eyes flickered and died and the Colonel leaned back, settling his weight fully on his barstool and forcing a dopey, drunk grin onto his face. Ed might have believed it if he hadn't seen the tension around Roy's eyes and the slump in his shoulders. Guilt struck him suddenly, heavy and cold, but he kept up his glare and turned back to his drink.

"What'cha talkin' 'bout?" The slur was back, much more pronounced than it had been before the kiss and Ed felt another stab of guilt. "Been drinkin' all night."

Out of the corner of his eye, Ed could see Roy pick up his glass and knock the entire thing back. His expression was one of forced cheer and his eyes were dark and brooding; he was probably wishing that his glass contained something stronger than juice. Ed studied him for another moment and then downed his own juice. He set the empty glass on the counter. He saw Roy lift his hand to summon the barkeep and order another glass of something, though Ed doubted it would be just juice this time.

He snatched the older man's hand out of the air and pulled it down. Roy shot an annoyed glance at the blonde and tried to lift his hand again, but Ed kept it down.

"We're leaving. I promised Hawkeye I'd drag your sorry ass home once we were done."

Roy shrugged, indifferent and still trying to free his hand. Ed held on.

"You're free t' go. I c'n walk home by m'self," Roy muttered, still trying to slur his words in a valiant effort to pretend he was drunk. Ed's expression softened, though he doubted the Colonel saw it. Roy was a proud man; being 'drunk' would probably be his excuse for the kiss if Ed ever asked him about it again. He slowly let go of Roy's hand.

"I'm not going to let some drunk idiot walk through Central at night by himself," Ed said quietly in reply, turning away from Roy so that his bangs would hide his expression. Ed busied himself with reaching into his pocket and getting out his wallet, rearranging his face into a neutral expression. He got out his wallet and tossed enough money onto the bar to cover both his and Roy's drinks and tip then stood and grabbed Roy's shoulder. He tugged gently and the Colonel followed him without protest, occasionally pretending to stumble.

Ed hesitated a moment, then stepped closer to the 'stumbling drunk' man. He slid Roy's closer arm over his shoulder and slipped his own arm around the man's waist. Roy's steps paused for a split second, then continued unsteadily.

Together, the two of them walked out of the bar.

The walk home was filled with uncomfortable silence. Neither man felt much like breaking it and so the silence stayed. Roy still stumbled occasionally, but he seemed too unhappy to continue with the charade. By the time they were halfway to his home, the Colonel's steps had resumed their normal speed and grace.

Ed didn't move away, still pretending to support the 'drunk' man though it was clear he didn't need the help. Roy shot him a questioning look, but didn't question it. It took them fifteen minutes to walk from the bar to Roy's house, and it was only at the door that Ed finally let the Colonel go and stepped back.

Roy looked at Ed. Their eyes met for a moment and then Roy looked away, reaching into his pocket for his keys.

"Goodnight, Fullmetal," Roy said formally, tone carefully dull as he located his keys and selected the one that would let him into his house. Ed didn't leave, instead staring intently at the Colonel's face.

"You weren't drunk tonight," Ed said with certainty. Roy didn't look at him, busying himself with his keys and fitting his house key into the lock. He made a show of turning it, quietly begging Ed to leave, but the blonde ignored him. Ed stepped closer to him. He bit his lip and his insides squirmed with nerves.


He was ignored. Ed frowned and then shook his head. He swallowed heavily.

"...Roy?" The name was strange on his tongue, since he had never said it out loud before. Ed saw Roy's hands pause and the man turned towards him, his shock visible only to those who knew how to read his expressions. Gathering up his courage, Ed continued.

"I'm not drunk either." With that said, he stepped forward and grabbed the front of Roy's shirt. He saw Roy's eyes widen but ignored it, pulling the man down.

"What are you- mmph!"

Roy was interrupted by Ed's lips covering his own. Ed pressed his lips to Roy's, almost forceful enough to bruise, then slowly relaxed. He pulled back, face flaming, and dropped his hands. Roy was staring at him in shock, lips parted and eyes wide.

Ed averted his eyes, feeling the red in his cheeks expand to cover his entire face.

"Ah, well... goodnight, Colonel Bastard," Ed said, trying to regain some of his usual attitude. The insult didn't even faze Roy, who was still just staring at the blonde. Ed folded his arms and refused to look up. "Are you going to say it back or not?"

Roy's expression went from stunned to slightly confused.

"I'm sure I already said-"

"Name." Ed said, cutting him off. He took a deep breath and looked up into Mustang's eyes. "Use my name."

Roy smiled. This time, the expression reached his eyes and Ed felt a little knot of tension he hadn't consciously recognized relax inside his chest.

"Goodnight... Edward," Roy said carefully, testing. Ed gave a weak smile in response, turning to go.

"See you tomorrow, Roy," he threw over his shoulder. He waved a casual goodbye as he headed off towards the apartment he shared with Al.

He heard the door to the Colonel's house shut behind him and he allowed his smile to grow into a full grin. He put two fingertips to his lips. They felt warm, like they had been when he had kissed Roy.

"Don't pretend to be drunk next time, idiot," he whispered almost affectionately. He dropped his hand and hummed quietly to himself the rest of the way home, part of his mind already anticipating tomorrow.

The End

A/N: And so ends my first attempt at FMA fanfiction. Liked it? Hated it? Drop me a line and let me know!

alchemist, roy, fullmetal, yaoi, royxed, ed

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