May 10, 2008 08:08
Ok everyone! Just thought I'd say goodbye for the weekend as I'm going to see Panic at the Disco, Motion City Soundtrack, The Hush Sound and Phantom Planet in Wallingford, CT for Honda Civic Tour 2008! I will return Sunday afternoon/evening and with my own pics b/c *drumroll* ..... I HAVE A NEW CAMERA! WHOO!
Oh, and I've been feeling like a crappy friend on LJ b/c I haven't been commenting on people's posts as often as I used to, especially my non-Twilight friends who have to deal with my crazy posts =P lol. So everyone I'm sorry, Twilight has taken over my brain and will not let go until December 12th. I'll try and be better, I promise!
Now I must go and sit in a car for like 3-4 hours.... yay.
ima crappy lj friend,