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bookishy April 1 2013, 22:13:20 UTC
Same about Damon! Unexpectedly I recovered my sympathy for him again this episode, though for a slightly different reason than you.... He convinces himself later that he’s wrong, but that just goes to show that he’s actively going against his very instincts. He’s choosing to defer to Stefan instead because he’s convinced that what he himself feels is selfish and wrong."

Oh, I really like this. Damon is trying to be ~good for Elena and do the right thing, and in his book Stefan does the right thing, so he's letting him lead. But there really isn't a right thing at this juncture, something that he knows but no longer trusts himself to accept.

This has actually gotten me thinking a lot about where the season could be heading if that's the interpretation that they are working with. I really do firmly believe, 100%, that Damon will end up with that cure, and I've been assuming it happens by accident. Now I've sort of been pondering a scenario where Elena's humanity is back ... and she still doesn't want the cure (which I would LOVE). But if the return of emotions meant the sire bond is back, I am almost wondering if Damon impulsively takes it to break it and to prevent others from trying to force it on her. He thinks he can just re-vamp later, but it won't turn out to be that easy. Stefan would still probably stick around--and he couldn't really fault Damon for doing what Elena wanted AND breaking the sirebond--but he'd still be inwardly butthurt about it.

A couple reasons this seems it could work for me is that it would parallel the big act that "respected Elena's choices" in S3, would explain why they've been underlining how much Damon doesn't want it so it would seem like a selfless gesture, and would be nice payoff to all Damon's insecurities about "the right thing" in a way that doesn't follow Stefan's very rigid blueprint. The show's been needing a new moral compass for a long time, and preferably one that just always points to "Who knows?" #endcrazyspecrant

(AHHHHHHH, I can't stop speculating about this dumb show. I think it's because I feel like I need to gird myself for every scenario).

Katherine, OTOH… um, no? Her characterization was wildly off to me and it really let down an otherwise pretty good episode. It’s not that I think it’s OOC for her to want to change (I’ve more or less suspected as much for a long time now), but the execution just did not work for me.

This is one place where TVD's trademark pacing just failed. They tried to jump too many steps to get Katherine there, and to create a "fan moment." Would have liked it better if Katherine and Elijah were just working together.


ever_neutral April 3 2013, 06:56:45 UTC
Ahhhhhh I should be doing work rn but must comment quickly to say I <<<333 your crazy spec. Let it happen that way (and let the sire bond be revealed to be fake...).


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