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siva_13 March 29 2013, 21:52:56 UTC
I loved that we finally got to see a bit of the world Katherine inhabits when she's not wreaking havoc in MF. Of course she would compel an entire town! I want to trust her, but I can't. I would so watch a spin off of this. Which reminds me, if The Originals is going to be somewhat like this episode I have hope. Usually spin offs that should have been awesome fail miserably and I'm still worried that will happen here too. That said, I wouldn't mind more of Elijah even if it's a sucky show. It seems like he's the happiest of the originals and the only one that actually managed to mature during a thousand years of living. And he's always so well dressed.

Damon... did what Damon does. He was incredibly predictable in this episode (but who wasn't)(Katherine kinda wasn't, but that's her thing so in a way, she was too).

I didn’t hate Stefan in this episode (progress!), although I did raise my eyebrows a bit about how Mr. Have I Shared How I Let the Third Sacrifice Happen was ragging Damon for letting Elena and Rebekah get the best of him.

Stefan, I will never like you. But can we talk about how the show's writers conveniently forget vampires are super fast, not to mention all their other powers (does anyone remember Damon could create fogs in the first couple of episodes? and the raven thing?)? There was plenty of time to stop Caroline.

I want Stefan to be with Rebekah though. They kind of work together. At least they both have an idealized view of how the world works.

Why no Bonnie? Silas must be all up in the bitch. Her storyline could be amazing here. Witched are supposedly the strongest supernatural creatures in the VD universe, how come she's always nothing more than a plot devise? She could probably wipe the whole town with a flick of her wrist, she deserves more credit. I would love it if she just got sick of it all and took control over everyone. I'm looking at you Klaus, you neurotic controlling mess.

Speaking of him,I'm disappointed. Joseph Morgan said episode 18 would be pretty fucking fantastic for Klaroline shippers and I didn't show anything we didn't already know. I actually did my celebratory dance before watching this, I was expecting a kiss. You're right, he was pathetic but adorably so. It's weird he's so easily whipped. If Caroline was more of a bitch and played her cards right, she could have him wrapped around her finger and licking the soles of her shoes. Seriously, he nearly pissed himself when Care didn't say no to the friend thing, it was hilarious.

And the other commenter is right. Trust Caroline, people. She organizes every single event in this town, she's responsible as shit.


bookishy April 1 2013, 21:50:29 UTC
I would so watch a spin off of this.

Heee. Forget The Originals! We'll just have a show where Katherine Pierce travels to different US cities and talks about eating and compelling the townsfolk.

I want Stefan to be with Rebekah though. They kind of work together. At least they both have an idealized view of how the world works.

I would make buttons and pass out flyers for this endgame, yes.

I sometimes have trouble really faulting the show for its use of supporting characters, because I do think it's hard to give them incredibly nuanced and detailed storylines when you are contractually (and budget-ally) only allowed to use them for a certain number. BUUUT, I hate how they just try to write her off with little comments like "she's laying low! she's working on magic!" If you use her for the Big Moments, you have to have some downtime too.

Yeah, I thought the Klaus/Caroline dynamic was pretty par for the course in this episode, although I guess it was nice to see Klaus truly humbled and forced to give up his pride--the latter is what always ultimately turns me off. He was a little when he was trapped in the living room, but not really. I think my difficulty with the pairing is that it's just hard for me to see Caroline compromising herself enough that she would even consider him in more than a fleeting romantic sense.


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