Dear Greek:
Let's french kiss on a beach.
Guys, I am loving this season so far. I don't know! It's like the comedic timing fairy came back and everything is funny and perfect. I wasn't a giant fan of the fall cliffhanger, but now I'm having to reevaluate my opinion because it's obviously given the show some sort of renewed oompf. I'm all invested again. It tingles.
Things that I've loved:
--Cappie and Casey continue to be cute, even together.
--Rebecca and Evan at the FairyTale Ball, both dressed up as Big Bads.
--Catherine. Catherine. Catherine. I want to make t-shirts of everything she says.
--Engineering Girl with her two salamanders. Please come back again.
--Dale playing RISK.
--I am so relieved that Ashley and Fisher are over, considering they ate up so much screen time with their boringness. Apparently, I find jilted Ashleigh much more likeable, and if she really does have a relationship with Beaver as the previews for next time are hinting, I think I might actually die of bliss.