I've been really into leisure reading lately, and I like finding books that are less popular but oh-so-amazing! Sometimes I'll go browsing on my Kindle for books that I've never heard of and just buy one based on the blurb about it. I like to find books with odd covers and just read them based on the cover. I have found amazing stories that are super under-rated this way. I have also come across some book fails this way.
I've been guilty of purchasing a book which happened to be a sequel in a series even though I didn't really like the first book. What convinced me? It was a signed copy. I was so excited when I found it, and the author is relatively well known for other series that they have written. Which book is the culprit? Watersong by Amanda Hocking. I had to FORCE myself to get through this one. I purchased it in late 2012 and just put off reading it because I knew I wouldn't like it. I had some hope left that maybe the second book in the series would redeem it somehow... I was so wrong. I don't mean to be harsh. I know that Amanda Hocking has a lot of fans, and she must be a good writer. This story just didn't do it for me. I felt like I was being told about the characters and about the events that they were going through instead of being shown events. The characters were still seriously lacking by the end of the second book, and I never felt like I could relate to any of them. Gemma, the main character is two dimensional. Harper, her sister is annoying and a buzz kill. Both of the girls have fake relationships that seem to blossom within two pages. I'm just not okay with it.
The only thing that slightly redeemed the story was the use of mythology. I have never read a book about sirens or merpeople before, so this was interesting to me. With that being said, I was barely comfortable with giving this book two stars. I'm still not convinced in deserved that rating, but I'm sticking with it. I rated the first book, Wake, as three stars. Since this is already going downhill I won't be purchasing the last book. Sorry.
Out for now.