Oct 13, 2013 00:09
I'm really behind in the times considering that a couple of months ago I decided to read the entire Harry Potter series for the first time. I have been reading a lot recently, and I didn't know what to read next. I thought that maybe I should start with the basics like classics and series of my generation. I'm 24, so while I was growing up many of my friends were reading Harry Potter -- and LOVING it. I was raised in a very conservative, Christian home.. so my mom really wasn't okay with the idea of me reading books about magic. I also didn't fight that much with her about it either.
I was rather surprised to learn that Harry Potter books are on the list of banned books. I didn't know that books were still being challenged for silly reasons -- that is a discussion for another post I suppose.
Anyhoot -- on to the goodies. I'm am now reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is the last book. I was heartbroken at the end of The Half Blood Prince.. and in case I'm not the last person in the world who hasn't read these books, I'll refrain from ranting about it here. I thought the most annoying thing about the story line in the Half Blood Prince was the face that NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE HARRY about his suspicions about Draco Malfoy. Seriously?? Harry has really good instincts and hella good intentions, not to mention he has a habit of getting people out of trouble and saving lives.
Overall, what I've read in these six books is beautiful. It isn't about the magic that is being taught in the school of Hogwarts. Its about friendship, courage, standing up for what you know is right, loyalty, grief, and dealing with life even when it isn't easy. These are really wonderful messages for a middle grade book. Everything is very age appropriate but challenges younger minds to think about situations they may face in their upcoming years. I wish I had read these when I was younger. If you are a parent and you're just not sure about the whole exposing-your-kids-to-magic thing, seriously don't sweat it. J.K. Rowling is amazing, and your kids will learn great things from these books.
I also just watched The Half Blood Prince movie for the first time all the way through today. I was surprised at how much it deviated from the events in the book. Overall the Harry Potter movies have stayed pretty close to the books they were based on, but I feel like this one deviated the most so far out of all the movies. There were extra scenes that didn't happen in the book (which in this case I didn't think was a bad thing), and also, Harry's friends were a lot more accepting of his Malfoy obsession, and Harry seemed generally interested in helping Dumbledore with his request that he get to know Professor Slughorn. So there were things in the movie that I really enjoyed more than in the book (I just found some of the charaters' behaviors a little troublesome in the book). Even with this said, the books still remain more magical for me.
Well I hope this post made some resemblance of sense.
Out for now.
j.k. rowling,
harry potter books,
harry potter and the half blood prince,
harry potter movies,
late harry potter obsession