Lifetimes #30 - Go The Distance

Nov 29, 2015 04:00

Go The Distance
Written by
bookishlady242 and
Rated PG-13
Harvey/Linkara, 90s Kid/80s Dan

As the team tries to resume life as normal after their mission, Dan begins his training to stand and fight alongside them, though things don't go as smoothly as he would hope.

DISCLAIMER: We do not own the characters, the shows, or the people who portray the characters. This is meant as a work of fiction and is fair use. Please support the creators by watching their videos, letting the ads play, buying their DVDs and merchandise, and/or contributing to their Patreon(s). "Go The Distance" is performed by the Hercules soundtrack.

Chapter One/ Chapter Two/Chapter Three/ Chapter Four/Chapter Five

AO3 Version

90s kid/80s dan, ocelot_l, go the distance, tgwtg, at4w, lifetimes, fanfic, harvey/linkara, complete

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