Jun 25, 2004 14:31
Bring your tissues. After I saw it, I went outside and it was unexpectantly pouring and that made me happy to be alive. I am drying off with coacoa right now and it is awesome.
I don't agree with everything Michael Moore does, but it was really moving. You do feel though that he is using these deaths the way the Bush administration used fear to promote their cause. I do want to see it again to look at some of the more technical elements of it though.
Martin is talking to me again. Andrea is now not talking to Martin and she urges me to do the same. Andrea is taking her ball and going home; she's not going to play anymore. She says that she just doesn't enjoy the same things we do and that he is mean to me. I am not going to be hanging out with Martin that often though. He seems to think that he is my leader or something and I don't think that he is a very good leader, so I won't follow.