[eigth memo]

Oct 12, 2009 07:33

Due to the recent time off class I will be holding catch-up classes next Saturday. Though attendance is unfortunately not compulsory, students are all very strongly encouraged to be present- OWL and NEWT level students especially should not miss this session, as the contents may be very relevant to your end of year exams.
Extra notes are available for anyone wishing to catch up on all the material which was missed.

[private to Ravenclaws]
The Heads of each House have seen that there may be a need to recognise and possibly reward students who behaved in an admirable manner during last week's crisis.
I would be pleased to hear of any names you have for suggestion and why you believe them to be fit to receive such recognition. They should have behaved in an outstanding manner- whether helping students get to the great hall, providing assistance in the library or otherwise.
They need not be only students- if you feel a Professor's actions were worthy of merit, you may submit their name for consideration also.
Thank you for your aid in this matter.

[very, very private to Shunsui.]



[strikes may be visible to you, Shunshun.]

classes: come to them, rewards, she loves her ravenclaws more, shunsui, drama

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