[ sixth memo ]

May 29, 2009 01:23

[ Private to Staff]
It seems I must once again apologise to you all.

My desicion to resign last week was hastily made and influenced by my embarrasement of the previous fortnight's events. After receiving a lot of good advice from you all, I have decided not to leave Hogwarts, if I can.
Thank you for giving me your honest opinions of my descision and keeping me from going through with a potentially disastrous course of action. I am very grateful for such estimable colleagues.

Headmaster, if it is still possible, I would like to reatain my former post as Herbology teacher.

[Private to Shunsui]
Kyoraku-san, regarding my comments to and about you in my last journal entry... It was not my place to say such things and extremely unprofessional of me. Please accept my sincere apologies.

[ooc: written on Monday, rp-time.]

event, resignation, nanao is all better nao, shunshun

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