Eleventh spell → Accidental Audio

Nov 09, 2011 15:47

[The audio feature on a certain PCD comes on with something of a clatter, as though it had been dropped on the floor and thus turned on. The good people of Adstringendum are greeted with what sounds like the tail end of a reconciliatory conversation.]

- so glad that this all worked out, you have no idea.

[The response earns a low, muffled chuckle.] Reckon I've a good id--

[The voice cuts off in a breath of sharp sound. As the viewer can't see anything, all there is for a moment is the sound of awkward movement. And then one strangled word.]


[There's a surprised sort of hiss at the same time before Hermione responds:] Ron, what are you- ow! Ron! That hurts!

Bloody hell, Hermione. [It's matched with another gasp of breath, while he is trying to get away. His words are punctuated with a breath after each one. ] Not -- like-- I'm trying-- to.

[That right there is the sound of a very surprised, pained squeak as she struggles to disengage.] Ron, is it-... oh, this isn't part of that stupid event, is it? Not now! Careful, it's-... ow, stop thrashing!

[He gives a sharp breath that sounds almost like a snort.] Like to see you try not to. [More wrestling sounds, but really this is getting ridiculous.] --Mind me never to make nice with your hair again... Maybe-- maybe we should go get Harry.

I'm not going to let Harry see us like this! We can fix this, just... stop thrashing about, will you? All that jerking about is giving me a headache!

Oy! [A pause.] You go and try it then if you think it's so easy-- s'not easy this wrestling about.

[There's a while of silence where it seems like small, subtle movements are being made, but Hermione seems to grow frustrated very, very quickly.] I think the only thing for it is to cut it off.

You're joking-- [His harsh breath mingles with a sound of gaping.] --We need Harry-- then-- you know.

Oh for goodness' sake, Ron, don't be a child over it! It will grow back, and hopefully won't try to kill you the next time around.

I was not! [That earns a scoff, breathy it may have been. Before...] HARRY! Get your arse in here!

[You can almost hear her rolling her eyes.] Oh, honestly-!

[OOC- Ron and Hermione are in a bit of a tangle and won't be able to reply to on-line messages until a bit later~]

they are never living this down, [event]: it's a trap!, all the innuendo ever, this post is not as hideous as it sounds, adstring hates these two, is that hair gel?, not the mushy moment they hoped for, hairy situation

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