Jun 28, 2022 22:20
Carthage's Other Wars: Carthaginian Warfare Outside the 'Punic Wars' Against Rome by Dexter Hoyos
Most of which were in Sicily, occasionally with Sicilian Greeks invading Africa.
Sources make it interesting of course. Sometimes we hit on issue that the only writer about this campaign says this -- which is impossible.
But a fair amount can be gleaned, even if we aren't quite sure what offices officials held or how many people were involved in what. (There's even one figure that archeologists think is an underestimate: how many Greeks came to settle in a region depopulated by war.)
Plus interesting tidbits, such as Alexander the Great's threats to Carthage after they took in some refugees from Tyre, a tyrant of Syracuse abdicating to make it a democracy again, which was disasterous because it had civil war, and all the cities it had dominated started having wars again, and more.
author: h,
subject: history,
genre: non-fiction