Book Review: JFK's Last Hundred Days by Thurston Clarke

Nov 22, 2013 10:46

For the past month in the potus_geeks community I have been borrowing excerpts from Thursday Clarke's recent book JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President. Following is my review of this book.

In this 2013 history, author Thuston Clarke embarks on a wonderful look at President John F. Kennedy's last 100 days on earth, beginning with August 7, 1963 (the day that the Kennedys' second son Patrick was born) and ending on that fateful day in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Clarke does a very good job of shadowing the president in his final days, drawing from a large number of sources, including recordings and materials from the JFK Library, and from a number of people who were around Kennedy at the time. The result is fascinating. It is more than simply a regurgitation of what one might find in news reports of the time or from other Kennedy biographies. It includes personal and private conversations on the most hush-hush topics, such as dumping Lyndon Johnson from the ticket in 1964, back channel discussions with Cuba, regime change in South Vietnam, getting J. Edgar Hoover to lay off investigating congressmen cavorting with prostitutes (for fear that JFK's association with one of the women would be exposed) and JFK's other extra-marital dalliances.

Clarke's book is part-historical narrative, part-gossip piece, and is very conversational in its tone. Among the many, two of the interesting themes that come out from the book are (1) how JFK seemed to be repairing his relationship with his wife, following the early death of their son Patrick, and (2) all of the warning signs that there was trouble brewing in Texas. The former is a fascinating development to watch, and the latter is also very interesting, showing us an interesting picture of Kennedy's fatalistic attitude on the subject of his possible assassination. Another compelling subject is the developments in Vietnam, including the coup which led to the assassination of the governing leaders in South Vietnam, and the dynamic between Kennedy and the hawks in his administration. The final days detail JFK's frustration with Lyndon Johnson over the latter's inability to put the lid on a political fire brewing in Texas that necessitated Kennedy's visit to Dallas.

I read this book day by day, on the 50th anniversary of its events, and it was as interesting as any current events. Clarke has the ability to tell the reader something that we never knew before, and he gives us a picture of not only what is occurring in Kennedy's orbit, but also with Jacqueline Kennedy, the Secret Service, Lyndon Johnson, and many others. Clarke is an admirer of Kennedy as his title suggests, and perhaps he sees the president's policies and future through rose coloured glasses at times. But Clarke does acknowledge Kennedy's failings, both personal and political. More important, he sets out the facts and gives the reader the opportunity to draw his or her own conclusions. Clarke provides a very good portrait of the last 100 days of the life of an iconic president, in a wonderful style that feeds both the reader's knowledge and imagination. He makes history come to life, and generates emotional reactions, making for an excellent reading experience.

subject: history, genre: non-fiction, subject: biography, author: c, review

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