Oct 13, 2005 08:50
So here I sit, doing homework, and for once I can't complain about it too much. I'm studying how to teach writing. "Ah," you say. "I see. So you're excited because this is one of your favorite topics!" You'd say this, and you would be right. One of the best parts about being part of a writing groups like Eastside RWA (or RWA National) and Chick Lit Writers of the World, is the focus on helping to make better writers. ERWA has spent the last year focusing on craft. We've had speakers on topics ranging from plotting to characterization to layering your scenes. Each meeting has addressed the need to educate in order to make better, and I love it! What really struck me though, about my homework is how applicable it is to my real life right now. I'm studying about the importance of things like Voice, Word Choice and Sentence Fluency. While I read these sections, I marvel at how important it is for me to hear right now. I've been feeling lost and a bit disconnected from writing for the last month or so. I haven't been able to attend the workshops and meetings that feed my soul with the all important energy and desire to write. This reading, though, has given some of that spark back. It's welcomed me back into the world of writing, from which I have felt so disconnected.
So, I'm back! And I'm leaving. But before I go, here's a quote for us all to ponder. "The writer must learn how to stalk the inner voice." Ralph Fletcher, What a Writer Needs, 1993.