Because I am still trying to avoid actual work (although, thank god, all of the things that don’t involve actually talking to people can be done any time of the day or night - so I am of course doing them at night), including the newsletter that should have been done two weeks ago, here are some fabulous and/or funny links I have come across recently:
Teh Holiez Bibul: LOLCat Bible Translation Project The Human Clock 50 Worst Songs Ever Click the link at the bottom of the page for the worst album covers ever. Including two nauseating inthpirational cripple albums that are wonderful in their awfulness. One is for a singing group called “The Braillettes” with an album titled, “Our Hearts Keep Singing”. Betcha can’t figure out what at least two of the singers have in common... Fairly mild compared to: ::duh, duh, duuuuuuuuh!!!:: “The Handless Organist, Truly A Miracle Of God”. Yup, she is a double arm amputee, how *did* you guess? The one that gets my vote for BEST album title of all time is “All My Friends Are Dead”, with a picture of a man crouched in front of a grave with a bible in his hands. And my personal favourite - an album by The Minister’s Quartet, four middle-aged, badly dressed men, with the title “Let Me Touch Him”. I nearly inhaled my tongue laughing!
I quite like the one with all of the naked young men - well half naked at least - with their arms cozily around each other, they look very relaxed and happy.