splodgenoodles has details about a petition to put a vital medication for people with Crohns disease on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme that will make it more affordable. Splodge talks about the benefits for Crohns sufferers in general and herself specifically, please read her post (if only for her nostalgic introduction - ah, memories! ;-) ) and sign the petition.
http://splodgenoodles.livejournal.com/414515.html Thanks!
I think most of the Aussies on my FList are also on Splodge’s and have seen this, but if you’re not, please pop over there for this. (Just read/friend her anyway if you haven’t, she’s very smart and very cool!)
Just won another Antonio Banderas DVD on Ebay - $0.99 plus postage - wacko!!! My early birthday pressie to me!
It’s cooled down here now, thank god. Question, does excessive heat affect the performance of one’s refrigerater? I’ve had mine turned right up for the last few days, it’s not as cold in there as it usually is.