Update: 5/2/13

May 02, 2013 19:12

Well, It's been just over a year since I started this second challenge, and I must say that it's going much better than it did the last time. I might actually make it!

Anyway, I know I said when I started this time that I would try my best to keep everyone updated, and I've totally slacked off. I think I bit off more than I could chew, what with trying to post a different thing every day. So instead, I will make a new resolution to update this blog once a week.

These updates may include book status updates, favorite book quotes, what happened during book club, or anything related to my life (as an English teacher) in general.

So on to the update...

At the moment, I'm reading five books...yeah...five. One is nearly finished - Dreams of Empire by Justin Richards. It's the second book in the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Series being reprinted by the BBC. I'm also reading The Island House by Posie Graeme-Evans. It was one of those bookstore finds - the kind your eye alights on after being inundated by glossy-backed Mass Paperback copies of cheap fiction. It's set in Scotland (and after reading the first two books in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, I felt it was an appropriate selection). I've also decided to finally delve into George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones. I really wanted to watch the TV show, and after a discussion with a dear reader-friend, she convinced me to read it. She's rereading it with me, and has even managed to get her sister on the bandwagon, so we started a small, three-person book club. Those are the three books that are going well. The other two are: Jane Austen's Mansfield Park and The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler. I'm trying to read a section of the latter after every Austen novel, but Mansfield Park just isn't working for me. I've been reading it since mid-March, and I just can't stay interested in it. I think I might actually have to put it down (give up on it) and pick it up at a much later date.

Speaking of books I've put down...I recently started doing that. I used to struggle through a book, thinking that I owed the author (and I'm just extremely anal about those things), but I had to start doing it. I tried reading David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, but I just couldn't get through it. It sounds great, and I usually love books with different perspectives, but the long-winded pieces were just too weighty to trudge through.

Hope you liked the update!

Kelly <3

justin richards, diana gabaldon, a game of thrones, posie graeme-evans, 101 books in 1001 days challenge #2, outlander, book club, mansfield park, dreams of empire, david mitchell, the jane austen book club, cloud atlas, update, jane austen, the island house, karen joy fowler, george r.r. martin

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