Okay, this is just the latest in a long list of problems I have with this guy. It's not even his affair that really bothers me, although it does illustrate the fact that he's a hypocrite since family values and the "sanctity of marriage" have been some of his big platforms. What really bothers me is that he saw nothing wrong with just leaving the country for almost a week without telling anyone where he was. How is that being a responsible governor?!
clipped from
www.latimes.comSouth Carolina's wandering governor, Mark Sanford, said today he had had an affair with an Argentine woman and that was why he disappeared without telling anyone that he went to South America.
The announcement was the latest development in the bizarre episode of Sanford's disappearance on June 18. It was unclear whether Sanford's comments would placate his critics, who have been up in arms.
Among the questions that had been circulating for days were: Why didn't he tell other officials that he would be out of pocket? Why didn't he tell his family? Why did his top aides finally say he was hiking, only to be left with egg on their faces when he surfaced after a trip to Argentina?
There have been "coverups where the governor is and where the governor is not," Sanford's fellow Republican said.
"I don't have a problem with the governor taking some time off," Knotts said. "But the people in South Carolina need to know that somebody is at the helm, not just a staffer."