The hills are alive...

Jan 15, 2005 22:14


So, I'm sick. And I never get sick. What really sucks is that I have the whole weekend off, including yesterday. That's right, three whole days in a row! It's practically unheard of in the retail world! Plus, I was supposed to go to a party tonight. But instead, I'm stuck here at home.


At least, I'm threw the throwing up stage. I stopped that around 11am this morning. But then, I haven't really eaten anything all day. I'm afraid to and I'm really not hungry at all. Now, I just feel weak and cold.

So, as I said before, blah.

Watching figure skating. I wish I had taken skating lessons when I was younger. Not that I think I ever could have been that good. It just would be nice to have a talent like that. I've always liked skating. And I do manage to stay on my feet on the rare occasion when I go.

So, if I feel better tomorrow, I might go to the movies with my mom. Don't know what we'll see. Lots of stuff I have to see yet. Let's see, there's:
--In Good Company,
--Finding Neverland,
--Elektra (my mom will wait for the DVD),
--Hotel Rwanda,
--Million Dollar Baby, and
--The Aviator.

I have a lot of catching up to do, especially since the Oscars are only about 5 or 6 weeks away. Ray is actually out on DVD on February 1st, so I'll just wait for that.

Saw Phantom of the Opera with danoke on Thursday. I've never seen it live, but saw a production done on tv at one time. One of the networks had done it. The movie was wonderful. Emmy Rossum is a fabulous talent. I can't believe that voice comes out of one so young. I think she was 17 at the time they filmed it. Just fantastic. And Gerard Butler did a far better job than I'd heard. Though I do believe no one would have gotten a fair shake in that role. So many were so dead set against anyone playing the Phantom except Michael Crawford. But come on, Michael Crawford? Yes, he's good, but he's not Hollywood. Anyway, I liked Butler, though his voice was far weaker in comparison to Rossum's. But many voices would be. I thought his performance was poignant, filling me with a lot of sympathy for a character who otherwise could be found loathsome. Joel Schumacher did a great job directing as well. I'm so glad movie musicals are back. Make more, make more!!

figure skating, sick, movies

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