Miss Bennet’s Hungry HeartFandom: Pride and Prejudice
Author: amles80
Rating/Genre: g/femslash, angst
Characters/Pairing: Kitty Bennet, Georgiana Darcy, Mr and Mrs Bennet, Lady Lucas, mentions almost everyone else, a few original characters; Kitty/Georgiana, Mr Bennet/omc, Mary Bennet/omc, all canon het pairings.
Summary: Kitty and Georgiana became friends when Elizabeth Bennet married Fitzwilliam Darcy. Seven years later, Georgiana finds out what she wants to do with her life, and Kitty finds herself facing new thoughts…
Word count: 7 770
Spoilers/Warnings: No, if you read the book/saw the movie you know who married whom (and if you didn’t you wouldn’t read this anyway…)/No.
Prompt: 046. Write,
Notes: The Mary Crawley mentioned in this fic is not The Mary Crawley of the TV series Downton Abbey, that would be terribly anachronistic, but her grandmother’s great aunt. I just thought it amusing to sort of take one original character from another fandom. (This fic has nothing to do with Downton Abbey aside from that reference, so not a real crossover!)