Title: Animal House - My Deer Wilson
bookfan85Pairing/Characters: House/ Wilson; unnamed OC’s
Rating: G
A/N: This story takes place during the velvet season when a buck is just growing back his antlers. FYI-When you see the word “does” in this story, it is actually the name of a female deer and not the singular version of “do.” Cupcakes to the lovely
srsly_yes ----------------------------------------------------
It was a pleasant evening outside. The bald human in the household just threw out some corn for the deer that cross over the property.
The man and his family look out at three does accompanying two bucks with majestic ten point antlers. It is that special time of the season when antlers grow back and are covered in soft brown velvet. One buck seems to limp and has a scar on his back right leg. The buck with the limp is standing in the middle of the does where most of the corn was thrown. The other male is at the top of the hill eating the corn that was tossed up there.
After a few minutes the limping buck goes up the hill and shoulders the other aside.
The whitetail stops chewing and concentrates his slightly crossed eyes on his dinner companion and huffs his annoyance, "Damn it, House. I was eating this."
House just snorts, "Wilson, the corn is always better after you stood on it."
"House, it tastes the same! It's just corn!"
"Nope, not just corn," House says, as he finishes chewing a mouthful. "It's apple flavored."
House glances up and notices the humans are on the back porch watching them, pointing, and saying something. "Wilson, you speak human. What are they saying?"
Wilson shakes his head and his chest vibrates with silent deer laughter. "They apparently nicknamed you 'hop-along' because of your leg injury."
"Well I thought that fence was low enough for me to jump. You're the responsible one, Wilson."
"I thought I told you the fence was too high."
House snorts and swings his head in annoyance, giving the other buck a sidelong glance. "Since when do I listen to you?
Ahhh…I hate this time of year. There's a piece of velvet tickling my ear. Jimmy, will you get it for me…please?!"
"House, I am not your mother!"
"But, you act so motherly all the time."
Wilson stomps his front left hoof on the ground in frustration. "Fine House, but you seriously owe me."
It takes a few tries for Wilson to position his own antlers in a way that won't cause House any harm. After several attempts Wilson scrapes it loose, but shakes his head a couple of times to get House's velvet unstuck from his own antlers. "House, why can't you just use a tree like a normal buck?"
"Because Jimmy…You're the one that I love."