It's the Ending that Gets You...

Dec 08, 2009 23:01

Hi, I'm new. I read more than is probably normal. I like all different types of books, and I'll try anything once, but lets just say some books don't appeal. Is this where I list my sins? Okay, then, Forgive me bookfails, for I have sinned. I threw a book out the window of a moving car... And the reason I feel guilty? I wish I'd burned it instead...

The Book? Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause.

I have to be honest with you, I actually liked this one. It was, from what I remember, decently written, and reasonably compelling if you look at it from the standpoint of a teenager. The main character's "Dual life" (as a Werewolf who wants to be human) in the novel is about how most teens feel (Caught between childhood and adulthood). In a Way it's a coming of age story, and I couldn't put it down when I was reading it... However, it had one Major, horrible, near-Twilightian flaw: The Ending.

Let me give you the important bits, in list format:
1. The new "Pack Leader" is a Jerk, capital "J".
2. The main character saves her mother(?) during a dual to see who gets to be the new Alpha female, thus, she's stuck with that role.
3. Pack Leader does many and assorted cruel, senseless, and chauvinistic things.
4. Main character states, repeatedly, that she doesn't want to be his mate.
5. Main Character is in love with a human, who actually seems to be good for her, and she wants to be with him.
6. The Males of the Werewolf pack terrify the Human, he accidentally shoots Main Female while she's in wolf form, because he thinks she's going to try to kill him.

The "Super Special Surprise Twist" Ending? Main Female ends up with Jerk "Pack Leader" (And is happy about it, darn it.) Despite the fact that the Human comes to accept her and tries to make it right.

All in all? Read the book, skip the last two(?) chapters, than watch the Movie and tape on the ending from that.

the movie was better, kill it with fire, author last names g-l, let me introduce myself, feminism just got set back 50 years

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