Dearest Stephanie Meyer:

Dec 04, 2009 17:23

"Twilight" is the most inane, average book I have read in the past year and I can say that without hesitation. I'm pretty prolific when it comes to books- I will read almost anything if it seems interesting to me. Well, you must have a great marketing team, so I guess that's why it looked so alluring in the first place ( Read more... )

twilight deserves its own tag

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darelose December 5 2009, 01:43:52 UTC
AMEN. And don’t even get me started from the feminist angle of this. I not a huge fan of feminism (this is as a female myself) or discuss it ever in any form and even I will tell people how bad of an example this book is setting for young girls and girls of all ages really. Maybe I wouldn’t hate it so much if it was well written, but, like you said, it is cliched and lacks character depth in a big way. It, again, like you said, honestly does read like a bad fan fiction. Oh, and Stephanie Meyer, it’s not “breaking the rules” or edgy or whatever you think it is to completely disregard vampire canon because you are too lazy to write it. VAMPIRES CAN'T GO OUT IN THE SUN AND THEY SUCK THE BLOOD OF HUMANS! I’m embarrassed for how many girls my age and older are apparently captivated by this terrible, terrible phenomenon. I could go on all day about this (and have), but I won’t take up any more space or time. In conclusion, I very much enjoyed your letter. It was well thought out and well said.


thereallola December 5 2009, 10:56:34 UTC
All I could say the whole time Edward was being all "protective" of her and trying to tell her she couldn't see Jacob, was, "If Michael EVER tried to tell me I couldn't do something..."
Talk about controlling...
The only thing Meyer breaks the rules about is vampire mythology. They don't wither away in the sunlight, they SPARKLE. *rolls eyes*


lovely_fugitive December 6 2009, 03:12:02 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

So... I understand that most people on this community complain about Meyer and that, apparently, I am not creative enough with my hatred. But that's okay!


gaspardgroupie December 6 2009, 18:27:44 UTC
'I not a huge fan of feminism (this is as a female myself)'

This confuses me.


(The comment has been removed)

gaspardgroupie December 8 2009, 11:03:47 UTC
I think it's best to just say 'oh, ok' and back away slowly...


darelose December 20 2009, 06:57:16 UTC
Sorry for the late comment. Let me try and clarify, because that probably wasn't the best way I could have said that. What I mean is: I appreciat feminism for what is has done in getting women more equal rights. However, I don't really like the spin it appears to have now (and this is just what I get from the media) of "new" feminists blaming Barbies and Disney movies for lowering little girl's self esteem. I just don't identify myself as a feminist is what I should have said I suppose. Does that help?


gaspardgroupie December 20 2009, 17:03:36 UTC
Well, those are important issues too, but there are lots of other things that still needed to be sorted out....but, whatever. It's nearly Christmas and I haven't got the energy to get into an arguement etc.


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