(no subject)

Dec 04, 2009 16:26

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyers.
I vehemently disapprove of this book (and am also sorry if there was a previous post raging about this horrid 'novel'). At first, when I just started reading it, I had hope, but there was something nagging at the back of my head. Why was I zooming through the books at an average of two a day, especially with my busy schedule? And then the answer hit me. Because they are horribly-written books probably designed for 7-year-olds. There is no character development, a mere turn-your-head-sideways-and-squint-to-see-it plot, the most cliche, superficial personages, and an overall terrible writing style. Moreover, I am very disappointed with the editors, who felt that creating a 'teen heartthrob' in Edward was enough to pull this 'novel' out of the depths of its supremely horrid quality. I deign to sneer at obsessive fan-girls nowadays. Anyone who has ever read for than 5 200+ page books would agree that above all, the quality of the writing is laughable at best. And a total rip-off of The Vampire Diaries. As in complete and utter rip-off that disguises itself under bad writing.
Oh, and one more thing; What is it with these Team Edward and Team Jacob people? Sure, you like one character better than the other. Don't make it into a war, please.

letters from dear author day, i couldn't even finish this awful book, kill it with fire, twilight deserves its own tag

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