Chuck Palahniuk character annoyance?

Feb 03, 2012 20:32

OK, so as much as I unironically read and enjoy most of Palahniuk's works, there is this one issue with Rant that really really annoys the hell outta me (even if there's other problematic issues, but one thing at a time)?

The story's culled from 'interviews', and one of the interviewees, Neddy Nelson, ends like 99.9% of his sentences with a question mark? And that's not an exaggeration?

You remember that one time on Family Guy when Stewie was mocking Brian about his book? And he kept doing it every sentence ending in a question mark? And his voice kept getting higher and higher until Brian finally smacked him? That's what I can't help getting reminded of?

So I have to skip over those sections even if it means I've probably lost some understanding of the plot? But I figure it's a better alternative than pulling out my hair in annoyance?

So you really gotta wonder what was the point behind that particular character quirk?

Anyway, just getting that off my chest?

rants, author last names m-s, buddy can you spare me an editor?, i love this author but what in the world

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