Lysistrata by Aristophanes, ( A "Modern Translation" by Douglass Parker)

Sep 23, 2011 04:03

Oh dear god. THIS WAS AWFUL. Couldn't even finish it.

Basic premise: Athenian women are sick of war, so they decide to not have sex with the men until they stop fighting.

The play sounds really interesting and I would love to read it in decent, appropriate language. The problem isn't the play, the problem is that this so-called "modern translation" was just atrocious. Apparently Athenians considered Spartans to be hillbillies, and that's fine. If you want to convey that the Spartan characters are less refined and educated, you can certainly do that by dumbing down their dialouge in comparison to the Athenian characters.


This dude just took that concept waaaaay in the hell to far. When I'm reading a conversation between people with names like "Kleonike" and "Lysistrata" it should not sound like an episode of Jerry Springer. Why, in the name of all that is holy, would people in the ancient world sound like they're from Kentucky? On what planet does it makes sense to use an American Southern accent for Spartans?
And the hillbilly spelling? Oh jesus, just in case you're too stupid to get the idea that the character is supposed to be a hick, the author slaps you in the face with nonsense that may as well be "that bitch right thurr needin com or hurr n' talkin' to me 'bout this". It's that ridiculous. Here's a good quote: "Shuckins, whut fer you tweedlin' me up so? I feel like a heifer come fair-time" . Shuckins. SHUCKINS. Yes, Mr. Parker, that makes perfect sense, oh how 300 would have benefited from your genius, "THIS SPARTAAAAA! SHUUUUCKINS!" >.< *headesk* Oi. Too bad this play was ruined by this translation. I'm seriously disappointed. :(

i couldn't even finish this awful book, kill it with fire, classics, author last names a-f, feminism just got set back 50 years

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